Plugin for django-cms to include awesome animations from WOW.js and Animate.css
Project description
Plugin for django-cms to include awesome animations from WOW.js and Animate.css
This plugin requires django CMS 3.0 or higher to be properly installed.
In your projects virtualenv, run pip install djangocms-wow
If using Django 1.6 add 'djangocms_wow': 'djangocms_wow.south_migrations', to SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES (or define SOUTH_MIGRATION_MODULES if it does not exists);
Run migrate djangocms_wow
Default content in Placeholder
If you use Django-CMS >= 3.0, you can use Animation and Wow Animation in “default_plugins” (see docs about the CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF setting in Django CMS 3.0).
Version 1.0.0
Drop backward compatibilty.
Tested and status upgraded to Production/Stable.
Version 0.0.3
Make parameter fields in WOW animations optional.
Version 0.0.2
Fixed packaging issues.
Added tests to cover all plugins.
Add south and django migrations.
Drop support for Python 2.6.
Version 0.0.1
Initial Release.