Add unsubscribe link to your emails painlessly.
Project description
Easily send one-click un-subscribable emails from django to keep your customers happy.
Adds List-Unsubscribe header to the email.
Adds a context variable unsubscribe_url which can be used to render emails.
Provides signals to implement the actual unsubscribe logic.
Python (2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4)
Django (1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.7)
Install Django Unsubscribe:
pip install django-unsubscribe
Add unsubscribe to your INSTALLED_APPS settings.
from unsubscribe import UnsubscribableEmailMessage
# rest of your code
Add a signal listner for user_unsubscribe in your code that contains the logic to unsubsribe a user from the mailing list.
That’s it!
This application is supposed to help at improving the overall quality of the mass e-mails your site sends out by:
Creating a simple subclass of django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives, which adds a List-Unsubscribe header to the email message and a render_message function that is a wrapper to render_to_string to add unsubscribe_url to the context.
Providing a replaceable urlconf and view, which provides a unique url for each user wishing to unsubscribe.
This application does not:
Compose, create or mail newsletter e-mails for you. That is up to you.
Actually unsubscribe members from your mailing lists. It provides a signal, unsubscribe.signals.user_unsubscribe, which you must hook on to to unsubscribe your users.
Please send pull request or open a issue.
0.1.1 (14/04/2014)
add support for django 1.5,1.6 and 1.7
add support for python 3
fix missing template
0.1.0 (22/02/2014)
First release on PyPI.