
2.4.4 • Public • Published


Jade template engine with async/streaming support via promises and generators.

The Jade template engine is a templating engine with a 2 stage process :

  • stage 1: synchronous compilation of a template, leading to a rendering function
  • stage 2: synchronous rendering of compiled template using user defined locals

then-jade makes sure that the rendering stage of the process (stage 2) becomes asynchronous:

  • Generators and Promises can be used in the user defined locals and the rendering will be progressive, waiting asynchronously for the resolution of the promises
  • The rendered output is made available as a ReadableStream with back-pressure implemented, so the rendering will only be done as fast as the downstream WritableStream can handle it

It is not the goal of then_jade to modify the compilation phase of the process (stage 1). This means for example that extends & includes will continue to be loaded synchronously by jade.

Note: jade was frozen and deprecated in version 1.11.0 because of trademark issues. It was replaced by pug which has a new code architecture. then-jade is currently frozen and creating a then-pug module is only a very low priority task for the maintainers.

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Before all examples, you will need:

var thenJade = require('then-jade');

compile(str, options)

Compiles a string containing a jade template into a rendering function.

var fn = thenJade.compile(str, options);

The rendering function can be called as fn(locals, callback) where locals are the user defined variables or generator/promises that can be used in the template. callback is a node-style callback(err, res) that will be called with the rendered template once the rendering is finished or with an error if something went wrong.

For options, see the documentation for compileStreaming

compileStreaming(str, options)

Compiles a string containing a jade template into a rendering function.

var fn = thenJade.compileStreaming(str, options);

The rendering function can be called as fn(locals) where locals are the user defined variables or generator/promises that can be used in the template. The result of calling this function is a ReadableStream that will stream the rendered template.

render(str, options, callback)

  • Render the given str of jade.

If the function is called with an optional node-style callback, the callback will be called with the result when the rendering is finished.

Otherwise, the function will return a Promise that will be fulfilled when the rendering is finished.


  • filename filename required for include / extends

renderStreaming(str, options)

Render the given str of jade


  • filename filename required for include / extends

options are used as locals at rendering time.

The result is a ReadableStream wrapping the asynchronous rendering of the template. This stream can be piped into a WritableStream.

renderFile(path, options, callback)

Render the given path file containing a jade. The compilation of the file is synchronous and uses an internal in-memory cache to avoid re-compiling the same file twice. The rendering is asynchronous.

If the function is called with an optional node-style callback, the callback will be called with the result when the rendering is finished.

Otherwise, the function will return a Promise that will be fulfilled when the rendering is finished.

options are used as locals at rendering time.

renderFileStreaming(path, options)

Render the given path file containing a jade. The compilation of the file is synchronous and uses an internal in-memory cache to avoid re-compiling the same file twice. The rendering is asynchronous.

The result is a ReadableStream wrapping the asynchronous rendering of the template. This stream can be piped into a WritableStream.

options are used as locals at rendering time.






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