
0.2.5 • Public • Published


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Infinite scroll chat or feed component for React.js


Live Demo

Live Demo

Here is the live demo, and source code to the live demo, also here is a simpler fiddle.

Why another infinite scroll component?

As of time of this writing, other efforts are missing killer features:

  • browser layout & resize "just works" (no need to know any heights in advance)
  • Works as newsfeed (infinite load down) or chat (infinite load up)
  • hardware accelerated scrolling

This work originated as a fork and modifications of seatgeek/react-infinite, and was subsequently rewritten several times.

Getting started

Install react-chatview using npm.

npm install react-chatview --save

You can also use a global-friendly UMD build:

<script src="path-to-react-chatview/dist/react-chatview.min.js"></script>

You can also use a es5 commonjs build:

<script src="path-to-react-chatview/lib/react-chatview.js"></script>


It is really easy to use. The actual rows of content should be passed as children. There are four interesting props:

  • className extra css class string for the container
  • flipped true for chat (newest at bottom), regular for newsfeed (newest at top)
  • reversed true for don't reverse elements
  • scrollLoadThreshold pixel distance from top that triggers an infinite load
  • shouldTriggerLoad callback function to check if chat view should trigger infinite load cycle when scroll passed scrollLoadThreshold. This callback is optional and by default onInfiniteLoad is always triggered.
  • onInfiniteLoad load request callback, should cause a state change which renders more children
  • returnScrollable return scollable object for scrollable event handling

See the jsfiddle example for a complete working example.


  • Not actually infinite - currently all elements that have been loaded remain the dom

  • auto-scroll to newest message when appropriate (pinning)

    use returnScrollable and set scrollable.scrollTop to scrollable.scrollHeight

  • auto-correct scroll jitter when content resizes or is added above/below the focus point

  • configurable loading spinner

  • optimize for mobile (but it works)

There are probably more features missing. Please open an issue!

Please write me if you use this! :)

If this project is valued I will invest more time in it.

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npm i react-chatview

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  • gimdongwoo
  • dustingetz