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Postal.js + React

Seamlessly bringing postal.js's message bus into your React components.

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PostalReactMixin is a React component mixin that provides simplified usage of postal.js. It lets React components specify their channel and subscriptions declaratively, and provides simplified acces to subscribe(topic, callback) and publish(topic, data) functions.

In the background, these subscriptions are managed in lifecycle methods.

This mixin is a thin wrapper around postal.js and allows for easy messaging between components. It was created as a reaction to the React documentation stating

For communication between two components that don't have a parent-child relationship, you can set up your own global event system. — Facebook React Docs

Whether a global event system/message bus is a smart architectural choice for your particular application remains a decision to be made at your descretion.


To add PostalReactMixin to a component, you simply add it to your components mixins. This adds a subscribe(topic, callback) and a publish(topic, data) method to your component. You can also declare your component's subscriptions in an object:

let MessageCreator = React.createClass({
  mixins: [PostalReactMixin],
  subscriptions: {
    // subscribe to the topic "messageSuggestion"
    messageSuggestion: function(data) {
      this.setState({ text: data.text });
  render: function() {
    return (
      <Input type="text" value={this.state.text)} />

This MessageCreator will now receive messages from other components that publish on the messageSuggestion topic:

let MessageSuggestion = React.createClass({
  mixins: [PostalReactMixin],
  _someCallback: function() {
    this.publish('messageSuggestion', {
      text: "Hi, this is a message Suggestion!"
// ...

Whenever this component mounts, it will subscribe to the given topics.

Getting Started

PostalReactMixin is available from npm.

I recommend to use a tool like Webpack or Browserify to include the 'postal-react-mixin' npm package in your dependencies.

import PostalReactMixin from 'postal-react-mixin';
// ...


I'm new to React and Javascript in general, so I welcome any comments or suggestions as Github Issues.

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  • ludwigschubert