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Node Line Reader

Node Line Reader is a Node.js module that helps you reading lines of text from a file.


  • Reads lines of text from Readable streams e.g. a file
  • Reads lines that match one or more patterns
  • Skips lines that match one or more patterns e.g. empty lines
  • Reads part of a file


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Using LineReader

var path = require('path');
var LineReader = require('node-line-reader').LineReader;
var reader = new LineReader(path.join('/home/user', 'some-file.txt'));
// Each execution of nextLine will get a following line of text from the input file
reader.nextLine(function (err, line) {
    if (!err) {
        console.log('file line: ', line);

Using LineTransform

var stream = getSomeReadableStream(); // Create read stream
var LineTransform = require('node-line-reader').LineTransform;  // LineTransform constructor
var transform = new LineTransform();
stream.pipe(transform); // Pipe input from a file stream over to line transform
transform.on('data', function(line) {
    // line - single line of text from input file
transform.on('end', function() {
    // no more text lines

Using LineFilter

var stream = getSomeReadableStream(); // Create read stream
var LineTransform = require('node-line-reader').LineTransform;  // LineTransform constructor
var LineFilter = require('node-line-reader').LineFilter;  // LineFilter constructor
var transform = new LineTransform();
// Skip empty lines and lines with "et" (with leading and trailing space) in them
var filter = new LineFilter({ skipEmpty: true, exclude: [/\bet\b/ });
// Pipe input from a file stream over to line transform and to the filter
filter.on('data', function(line) {
    // line - single line of text from input file
filter.on('end', function() {
    // no more text lines


Class: LineReader

LineReader is a text lines reader from a specified file.


This function reads another line of text from a specified file and passes it over to the callback method.

The callback has arguments (err, line). The err argument is an error that occurred while reading a line of text (null if no error occurred). The line is a string with line of text from a specified input file.

Class: LineFilter

LineFilter is a duplex stream passing through lines of text matching include and exclude rules. LineFilter instance can be piped into antoher Writable instance.

The LineFilter accepts options objects with following parameters:

  • skipEmpty - boolean value blocking empty lines
  • skipBlank - boolean value blocking blank lines (lines composed of whitespace characters)
  • include - a single instance or an array of regular expressions (see below for text filtering rules)
  • exclude - a single instance or an array of regular expressions (see below for text filtering rules)

Text filtering rules:

  • If only include pattern(s) are provided, filter will pass through lines of text which are matched by the include pattern(s) only
  • If only exclude pattern(s) are provided, fillter will pass through all lines except the ones which are matched by the exclude pattern(s) only
  • If include and exclude pattern(s) are provided, filter filter will pass through lines of text which are matched by the include pattern(s) and not matched by the exclude pattern(s)

Event: 'readable'

When a line of text can be read from the transform, it will emit a 'readable' event.

Event: 'data'

  • line Buffer | String The line of text.

Event: 'end'

This event fires when there will be no more test to read.

Event: 'close'

As Stream 'close' event: Emitted when the underlying resource (for example, the backing file descriptor) has been closed. Not all streams will emit this.

Event: 'error'

As Stream 'close' event: Emitted if there was an error receiving data.

Class: LineTransform

LineTransform is a duplex stream converting input text into lines of text. LineTransform instance can be piped into antoher Writable instance.

Event: 'readable'

When a line of text can be read from the transform, it will emit a 'readable' event.

Event: 'data'

  • line Buffer | String The line of text.

Event: 'end'

This event fires when there will be no more test to read.

Event: 'close'

As Stream 'close' event: Emitted when the underlying resource (for example, the backing file descriptor) has been closed. Not all streams will emit this.

Event: 'error'

As Stream 'close' event: Emitted if there was an error receiving data.


Writen by Tom Pawlak - Blog


The MIT License (MIT)

Copyright © 2014 Tom Pawlak



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