
0.5.13 • Public • Published


A simple remote file sync tool for development.

It's also a simple example of how nokit works.

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Install globally:

npm install -g nobone-sync

Install as lib dependency:

npm install nobone-sync


As CLI Tool

Start a remote file server:

nobone-sync -s

Start a local client to push change to remote server.

nobone-sync config.js

The defaults of config.js is:

module.exports = {
    localDir: 'localDir',
    // It decides the root path to upload to.
    remoteDir: 'remoteDir',
    // It decides the root accessible path.
    rootAllowed: '/',
    host: '',
    port: 8345,
    pattern: '**',
    pollingInterval: 500,
    // If it is set, transfer data will be encrypted with the algorithm.
    password: null,
    algorithm: 'aes128',
    onChange: function (type, path, oldPath) {
        // It can also return a promise.
        console.log('Write your custom code here')

The pattern can be a string or an array, it takes advantage of minimatch.

Some basic usages:

  • To only watch js, css and jpg: '**/*.@(js|css|jpg)'
  • To ignore js and css file: ['**', '!**/*.@(js|css)']

Use larger pollingInterval if there are too many files to be watched.

Push a Path to Remote

Push a file or directory to remote server:

nobone-sync -u localPath host[:port]/path/to/dir

localPath can be a file, a directory, or a glob pattern(glob pattern should use with quotation marks).

For example:

nobone-sync -u 'src/css/a.css'

nobone-sync -u 'src/js/*.js'

nobone-sync --password 3.14 -u 'src/js/*.js'

As Library


var client = require('nobone-sync/client');
var server = require('nobone-sync/server');
var conf = {
    localDir: 'localDir',
    remoteDir: 'remoteDir',
    rootAllowed: 'remoteDir',
    host: '',
    port: 8345,
    pattern: '**',
    pollingInterval: 500,
    password: '123456',
    onChange: function (type, path, oldPath) {
        console.log('Write your custom code here');
// Send local 'a.css' to remote '/home/jack/a.css'
    conf: conf,
    type: 'create',
    path: 'a.css',
    remotePath: '/home/jack/a.css'
// Send single request. This request will let
// the server execute a js string " console.log 'OK' "
    conf: conf,
    type: 'execute',
    remotePath: '.js',
    // The source code will run under the same directory of nobone-sync.
    // You can require all the dependencies of nobone-sync.
    source: `require('nokit').log('OK')`
.then(function (out) {
    // output => "OK\n"


The transfer protocol is based on http. Only the {info} and {data} is used.


POST /{info} HTTP/1.1

  • info

    It's a URI encoded json string. For example, the json is

    { type: 'create', path: '/home/u/a/b.js', mode: 0o777 },

    then the final info string should be


  • data

    It's raw binary. When the type is move, it should the target remote path. When the type is create or modify, it should be binary file content. In other cases, it will be ignored.

  • encryption

    If the password and algorithm is specified, the info and the data should encrypted by them.

  • error

    If operation failed the server will return http status code 200, 211, 400, 403, 404 or 500.


  • Why not use Samba or sshfs?

    If you search text content in a large project via Samba, it can be very slow.

  • Why not svn, git?

    Use scm is somehow slow, and deploy a general scm server on a development machine is not funny.

  • Why not sftp?

    It depends on ssh, for example, in Baidu, direct access to development machine via ssh is blocked.

  • Why ftp?

    At most times, the IDE plugins are not programmable. You cannot use it as a library and take advantage of file change event.

    This tool ignores what IDE your different team members are using, the config file can be source controled. They don't have to waste time to decide what plugins is best for the job.

  • Why http, not tcp?

    I want the custom sync protocol as simple as possible, the http header is just suit for the action and path part of my protocol. Performance is not the bottleneck.

  • SSL?

    I don't have any plan for it, for now simple symmetric cryto is enough for development. If you need it, please open an issue.

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  • ysmood
  • dracupid
  • javey