
2.0.1 • Public • Published


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A Meshblu connector for use in Octoblu or with other services.

Setup Instructions


  1. gem install travis
  2. travis login

Travis (S3)

For use if you need to push your browserified version

  1. travis encrypt [S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET]
  2. add the generated key to the .travis.yml file under secret_access_key in the s3 deploy section.
  3. also add the s3 access_key_id to the same section

End result should look like this:

  - provider: s3
    access_key_id: [S3_ACCESS_KEY]
      secure: [S3_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET]
    bucket: [UPLOAD_BUCKET] # octoblu-cdn
    region: us-west-2
    skip_cleanup: true
    detect_encoding: true
    local-dir: deploy
    upload-dir: [UPLOAD_FOLDER] # js
      tags: true
      all_branches: true
      node: '0.10'

Travis (NPM Deploy)[]

  1. travis encrypt [NPM_ACCESS_KEY] - this key is found in ~/.npmrc
  2. add the generated key to the .travis.yml file under api_key in the npm deploy section.
  3. also add the npm email to the same section

End result should look like this:

  - provider: npm
    skip_cleanup: true
    clean_up: false
    email: [NPM_EMAIL]
      secure: [NPM_ACCESS_KEY]
      tags: true
      all_branches: true
      node: '0.11'


Gateblu Installation

Use (gateblu)[] to run this as a device.

Manual Installation

  1. npm install meshblu-util -g
  2. npm install meshblu-splunk-event-collector or git clone [GIT_URL]
  3. go into connector folder
  4. meshblu-util register -t device:meshblu-splunk-event-collector > meshblu.json
  5. meshblu-util claim
  6. npm start or to start with debug DEBUG='meshblu-splunk-event-collector*' npm start

Platform Dependencies

Edit the package.json to change the platformDependencies. This will show up when installing the connector in Octoblu and Gateblu.

-A working splunk instance -A meshblu device -Node and NPM installed on your machine.

-How to use: -1. Register a new Meshblu device

    • Set the following properties on the options field
  • SplunkEventBaseUrl = [Your splunk instance url]
  • EventCollectorToken = [Event Collector Token created in Splunk] -2. Subscribe to your existing devices using your registered device from step 1 -3. Start the plugin using 'npm start'

Package Sidebar


npm i meshblu-splunk-event-collector

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Last publish


  • octoblu-user
  • virgilvox