TypeScript icon, indicating that this package has built-in type declarations

1.1.2 • Public • Published


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Super small (~500B) and fast module to calculate loan in js (browser/node.js) for equal/decreasing/annuity/annuityDue installments, the sum of interest, etc, with TypeScript support

Getting Started

Install with:

npm install loanjs

Calculating Loan:

import { Loan } from 'loanjs';
// or
const { Loan } = require('loanjs');

const loan = new Loan(
  1000, // amount
  12,   // installments number
  5,    // interest rate
  'annuity'  // loanType: 'annuity' | 'annuityDue' | 'diminishing' | GetNextInstalmentPartFunction
/** returns
  installments  : [
      capital     : number,
      interest    : number,
      installment : number,
      remain      : number
  amount        : number,
  interestSum   : number,
  capitalSum    : number,
  sum           : number



LoanJS.Loan(amount, installmentsNumber, interestRate, loanType)


Argument type default Description
amount number *required full amount of Loan
installmentsNumber number *required how many installments will be (in months)
interestRate number *required interest rate in percent (ex. 3.5)
loanType string or fn annuity annuity | annuityDue | diminishing | GetNextInstalmentPartFunction
interface InstallmentPart {
  capital: number;
  interest: number;
  installment: number;

type GetNextInstalmentPartFunction = (
  amount: number,
  installmentsNumber: number,
  interestRateMonth: number,
  capitalSum: number
) => InstallmentPart;


  installments  : [
      capital     : number,
      interest    : number,
      installment : number,
      remain      : number
  amount        : number,
  interestSum   : number,
  capitalSum    : number,
  sum           : number


typescript example

import { Loan } from 'loanjs';

const annuityLoan = new Loan(1000, 12, 5, 'annuity');

const annuityDueLoan = new Loan(1000, 12, 5, 'annuityDue');

const diminishingLoan = new Loan(1000, 12, 5, 'diminishing');

const customInstalmentLoan = new Loan(1000, 12, 5, getNext10Instalment);
function getNext10Instalment (amount: number, installmentsNumber: number, capitalSum: number, interestRateMonth: number) {
  const capital = rnd(amount / installmentsNumber);
  const interest = 10;
  const installment = capital + interest;

  return { capital, interest, installment };

nodejs example

import { Loan } from 'loanjs';
// or
const { Loan } = require('loanjs');

const loan_1 = new Loan(1000, 12, 5, 'diminishing');
// loan on 1 000($) in 12 loanType installments (ex. months) with 5% interest rate

const loan_2 = new Loan(500000, 360, 3.5, 'annuity');
// loan on 500 000($) in 360 equal installments (30 years) with 3.5% interest rate

Browser example:

You can also render loan as html table

<script src="../../dist/loan.js"></script>
<script src="../../dist/loanToHtmlTable.js"></script>
    const loan = new LoanJS.Loan(1000, 12, 5, 'annuity');

    const div = document.createElement("div");
    div.innerHTML = LoanJS.loanToHtmlTable(loan); // loan rendering as html table string

more examples here

Similar projects


Im open for contributors :).

Release History

2023-07-25 v1.1.0

  • add annuityDue interest rate loan type
  • changing the fourth argument diminishing to loanType (annuity | diminishing | annuityDue), with backward compatibility (false == 'annuity', true == 'diminishing')
  • refactor getNextInstalment to be open for extensions
  • add option to provide function to loanType to customize instalments counting

2023-06-23 v1.0.11

  • add TypeScript types
  • code cleanup
  • packages update

2017-08-06 v1.0.0

  • go to es6
  • make dist files
  • make 100% covered tests

2016-02-29 v0.1.4

  • update dependencies

2015-10-12 v0.1.3

  • fixing typo intrest -> interest #3
  • update dependencies

2014-11-10 v0.0.4

  • update dependencies

2014-11-10 v0.0.2

  • now you can use it in node/browserify and browser


Copyright (c) 2023 Grzegorz Klimek Licensed under the MIT license.

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npm i loanjs

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  • kfiku