This package has been deprecated

Author message:

The Home Assistant maintainers have opted to deprecate this package to focus on other integrations.


2.0.0 • Public • Published

Hubot Home Assistant

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💬 🏡 A Hubot module for interacting with Home Assistant via chat.


In hubot project repo, run:

npm install hubot-home-assistant --save

Then add hubot-home-assistant to your external-scripts.json:



Variable Required? Description
HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_HOST Yes The URL for your Home Assistant instance, e.g. or http://hassio.local:8123.
HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_API_TOKEN Yes The long-lived access token for a Home Assistant user.
HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_MONITOR_EVENTS No If set to any value, whether to monitor for events
HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_MONITOR_ALL_ENTITIES No If set to any value, whether to monitor all entities for status changes
HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_EVENTS_DESTINATION No Which room/channel/chat to send events, e.g. #homeassistant or @alice; default: #home-assistant

Upgrading from v1.x?

The HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_API_PASSWORD environment variable has been replaced by the HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_API_TOKEN. You can obtain your long-lived access token in your v0.77+ instance of Home Assistant by clicking on your user icon in the navigation, scrolling to the section titled "Long-Lived Access Tokens," and clicking the "Create" button.

Read more about long-lived access tokens.


List all entities

Returns the current state of the entity. Note that it uses the hidden attribute flag to reduce this list. It will also exclude Views and Zones.

<alice> hubot hass list
<hubot> sun.sun: Sun; Office; camera.den: Den; group.commute: Commute; group.climate: Climate; ...

Get the state of an entity

Returns the current state of the entity.

<alice> hubot hass state of Living Room Downlights
<hubot> @alice Living Room Downlights is off (since 2 hours ago)

Toggle an entity on or off

Turn the entity on/off.

<alice> hubot hass turn Living Room Downlights on
<hubot> @alice Living Room Downlights turned on

Set an entity to a desired state

Set the entity state to the given value.

<alice> hubot hass set Bob's iPhone to home
<hubot> @alice Setting Bob's iPhone to home
<hubot> @alice Bob's iPhone set to home

Streaming Capabilities

In addition to directly interacting with Home Assistant, this package will allow you to stream entity status changes (e.g. turn a light on, home temperature rises, etc.) into a room/channel/user of your choice.

  1. Set HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_MONITOR_EVENTS to any value to enable streaming.
  2. Set HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_EVENTS_DESTINATION to where you want the messages to be seen. By default, they will go to a channel/room called #home-assistant.
  3. Restart your Hubot

Option 1 - Monitor Everything

Note that Home Assistant will send a lot of change events throughout the day if you have several components configured. For example, if you have a thermostat configured, it will send an event for every detected temperature change.

  2. Restart your Hubot

Option 2 - Monitor Specific Devices

  1. Ensure that HUBOT_HOME_ASSISTANT_MONITOR_ALL_ENTITIES is not set in the configuration.
  2. Update your Home Assistant configuration under the customize, customize_domain or customize_blob key to include the hubot_monitor: true attribute. See documentation for more details.
  3. Restart your Hubot


  # Set a specific device to monitor 
      hubot_monitor: true
  # Monitor all devices in a particular domain 
      hubot_monitor: true
      hubot_monitor: true
  # Monitor devices matching a pattern 
      hubot_monitor: true

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npm i hubot-home-assistant

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  • stephenyeargin