
1.0.6 • Public • Published


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Automatically adding index to all headings for hexo.


npm install hexo-heading-index --save


All you need to do is set the configurations in _config.ymal.

For example. The following config will add indexes like to all headings.

  enable: true
  index_styles: "{1} {1} {1} {1} {1} {1}"
  connector: "."
  global_prefix: ""
  global_suffix: ". "
  start_level: 1
  allow_html: false

Index styles

The indexes are generated in the following format:


And the format of the indexes for each heading level are defined in the "index_styles" configuration. They are connected by space and its format is:


Index style

And currently we support the following styles:

  • 0: Number index starts from 0
  • 1: Number index starts from 1
  • i: Roman numerals in lowercase
  • I: Roman numerals in uppercase
  • a: Alphabet in lowercase (if the index is greater than 26, then it will be treated as 26, i.e. 'z'.)
  • A: Alphabet in uppercase (if the index is greater than 26, then it will be treated as 26, i.e. 'Z'.)

For example, {1} will create a number index starts from 1. That's why the "index_styles" in the configuration above will create indexes like for all headings.


We also support a few formats for index styles "0" and "1":

  • x: Output the number in lowercase hex.
  • X: Output the number in uppoercase hex. With this, we can use styles like 0x{0:x:2}, and it will create "0x00" index for the first h1.

Prefix and suffix

Some people prefer to have a '.' or ')' in the end of the indexes or having a '-' or '*' in the begin of the indexes. With prefix and suffix, we can easily do it.

For example:

  • *{i} will give us index like "*vi"
  • {i}) will give us index like "vi)"

And if you would like the prefix and suffix for the whole index, we can specify it in the "global_prefix" and "global_suffix" fields.

For example. The following configuration will help us create indexes like "i.ii.iii.vi) " for the headings.

  enable: true
  index_styles: "{i} {i} {i} {i} {i} {i}"
  connector: "."
  global_prefix: ""
  global_suffix: ") "

Start index

Sometimes, we might want to use other tag than <h1> as the first heading. In this case, we could change the start_level in config or heading_start_level in post.

For example, if we want to use <h2>, then we could change the _config.yml, which will take effect in all posts:

  enable: true
  index_styles: "{1} {1} {1} {1} {1} {1}"
  connector: "."
  global_prefix: ""
  global_suffix: ". "
  start_level: 2

Or change the post config, which will only take effect in the specific post:

title: post title
heading_disabled: true
heading_start_level: 2
heading_index_styles: "{A} {i} {1} {1} {1} {1}"


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