Ember Chimp
A simple Ember CLI Component for integrating a Mailchimp List signup for tighly with your application.
ember install ember-chimp
Important: Ember Chimp requires Ember Ajax to be available to the component to work out of the box. If you need to construct your Ajax request differently, please see Overriding makeRequest below.
Basic Usage
Create a list in your Mailchimp account, grab its unique form action URL
from the embeddable forms section, and then drop in the ember-chimp
like so:
{{ember-chimp formAction="//your.mailchimp.form.action"}}
You can find this form action here:
Important: This lib uses Babel to transpile ES2015. Some mobile browsers
will throw an error unless the Babel Browser Polyfill is included in your
Advanced Usage
The ember-chimp
component is built to serve a wide variety of use cases:
- label & placeholder
{{ember-chimp formAction="//your.mailchimp.form.action" label="Join our Mailing List:" placeholder="Email Address"}}
Optionally pass a label
and placeholder
attribute. They work as you'd
expect. The label is always for the email input.
- buttonText & loadingText
{{ember-chimp formAction="//your.mailchimp.form.action" buttonText="Submit" loadingText="Loading..."}}
The buttonText
attr is the text on the submit button. This changes to
on submit.
Note: Out of convenience, the loadingText
also populates the .chimp-says
div when loading. To hide that text, you can use the .loading
className, like below.
- Customized Responses
In your controller
emberChimpResponses: success: 'Please click the link in the email we just sent you.' error: 'Oops, something went wrong. Please try again.' invalidError: 'Please enter a valid email address.' attemptsError: 'Please try again in about 5 minutes.'
Then in that controller's template:
{{ember-chimp formAction="//your.mailchimp.form.action" responses=emberChimpResponses}}"
- chimpState Class Name
The ember-chimp
component can have the success
, error
, idle
classNames, depending on it's state.
- Overriding makeRequest
In the case that you can't use Ember Ajax, or you need to customize
the actual request details, you can do that by overriding the makeRequest
method on the Component.
For example, to use Ember CLI IC Ajax with Ember Chimp, you'd do something like this:
;; exports default EmberChimp;
- ember-chimp-template Generator
ember generate ember-chimp-template
Will install the default ember-chimp
template into your host app, at
, for easy customization.
- novalidate
{{ember-chimp formAction="//your.mailchimp.form.action" novalidate=false}}
We add the novalidate
attribute to the form
element by default. If you'd
like to use native browser validation, pass false
- Bubbling Action
Pass a didSubmitAction
name to the ember-chimp
component to allow other
parts of your application to be aware of the component's status.
{{ember-chimp formAction="//your.mailchimp.form.action" didSubmitAction="emberChimpDidSubmit"}}
Then in your controller
or route
actions: { promise ; }
- Additional Fields (experimental)
The ember-chimp
component theoretically also posts other fields within the
element. To add fields in the post payload to Mailchimp, run the
generator, and add your custom fields, like so:
<!-- app/templates/components/ember-chimp --> <label> <div class="label-text">{{label}}</div> {{input key-press="valueDidChange" placeholder=placeholder value=value type="email" name="EMAIL"}}</label> {{input value=firstname name="FIRSTNAME"}}{{input value=lastname name="LASTNAME"}} <div class="chimp-says">{{chimpSays}}</div><button type="submit">{{if isLoading loadingText buttonText}}</button>
The data payload with be serialized like so:
EMAIL: "me@hughfrancis.me" FIRSTNAME: "Hugh" LASTNAME: "Francis"
If anyone is using ember-chimp
for this - please let me know whether it works.
I haven't needed to do this as of yet.