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Angular animations made easy. Example Page

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animated gif

Angular 5.2.0+ required

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Since you're using Angular, the following are expected to already be installed:

  • reflect-metadata
  • @angular/core
  • @angular/animations

install command:

npm install ack-angular-fx --save-dev


Animations must be injected into your components and this is how to do that

import { animations } from "ack-angular-fx";
import { Component } from "@angular/core"

    <div *ngIf="boolean" [@fadeInOutUp]="boolean">
    <button (click)="boolean=!boolean">
      hide or show
}) export class AppComponent

Browser Compatibility

All good!

Angular animations have come a long way. In the past, they didn't work in Safari without including additional libraries. Now, all animations appear to be working anywhere that Angular could be run.


View interactive example page here.

Robust Example

This example has pretty much everything needed to boot

NOTE: AckFxModule, in code below, is only needed IF directive fx-tracker being used for back-n-forth swap animation tracking

import "zone.js"
import "reflect-metadata"
import { platformBrowserDynamic } from "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic"
import { NgModule, Component } from "@angular/core"
import { BrowserModule } from "@angular/platform-browser";
import { BrowserAnimationsModule } from "@angular/platform-browser/animations"

import { animations } from "ack-angular-fx";

//NOTE: This line only needed IF directive fx-tracker used (back-n-forth swap animations)
import { AckFxModule } from "ack-angular-fx";
import { supportDocument } from "ack-angular-fx/web-animations.min"

supportDocument( document )//cross browser fx support

    <div *ngIf="boolean" [@rotateInOut]="boolean">
    <button (click)="boolean=!boolean">
      hide or show
}) export class AppComponent

  imports: [
    AckFxModule//NOTE: This line only needed IF directive fx-tracker used (back-n-forth swap animations)
  declarations: [ AppComponent ],
  bootstrap: [ AppComponent ]
}) export class AppModule {}


Params Example

The configuration options available to define for animations

<div [@zoomInOut]="{value:boolean, params:{time:'2000ms 0 linear'}}">

Learn more about Angular animation timing here


Offset multiple animations using Angular 4.2.4 or greater

Currently, staggering animations using ack-angular-fx, is controlled by a parent stagger definition and child animations subscribing to that via the css class "childFx"

Stagger Items Example

A parent container staggering child animations whenever the array adds or removes elements

<div [@childStag]="array.length">
    *ngFor = "let x of array"
    [@rotateInOut] = "1"
      ngFor loop with animations for each

Stagger Table Rows Example

A table element staggering row animations whenever "rowStaggers" variable changes value

<table style="width:100%" [@childStag]="array.length">
  <ng-container *ngFor="let x of array">
    <tr [@bounceInOut]="array.length" style="background-color:#CCC">
      <td>{{ x }}</td>
      <td>Item Row {{ x }}</td>

Supported Animations

  • fadeIn
    • fadeInDown, fadeInLeft, fadeInRight, fadeInUp
  • fadeOut
    • fadeOutDown, fadeOutLeft, fadeOutRight, fadeOutUp
  • fadeInOut
    • fadeInOutDown, fadeInOutLeft, fadeInOutRight, fadeInOutUp
  • bounceIn
    • bounceInDown, bounceInLeft, bounceInRight, bounceInUp
  • bounceOut
    • bounceOutDown, bounceOutLeft, bounceOutRight, bounceOutUp
  • bounceIn
    • bounceInOutDown, bounceInOutLeft, bounceInOutRight, bounceInOutUp
  • rotateIn
    • rotateInDownLeft, rotateInDownRight, rotateInUpLeft, rotateInUpRight
  • rotateOut
    • rotateOutDownLeft, rotateOutDownRight, rotateOutUpLeft, rotateOutUpRight
  • rotateInOut
    • rotateInOutDownLeft, rotateInOutDownRight, rotateInOutUpLeft, rotateInOutUpRight
  • zoomIn
    • zoomInDown, zoomInLeft, zoomInRight, zoomInUp
  • zoomOut
    • zoomOutDown, zoomOutLeft, zoomOutRight, zoomOutUp
  • zoomInOut
    • zoomInOutDown, zoomInOutLeft, zoomInOutRight, zoomInOutUp
  • slideInDown, slideInLeft, slideInRight, slideInUp
  • slideOutDown, slideOutLeft, slideOutRight, slideOutUp
  • slideInOutDown, slideInOutLeft, slideInOutRight, slideInOutUp

see online demo

Prebuild Fxs to Single File

Known as the prefx process, ack-angular-fx has cli commands to bundle animations to file

This often helps with bundling issues and Angular AOT compilation

Example Compile All Animations to One File

Step 1 : Add the following to your package.json scripts

  "build:prefx": "ack-angular-fx --out ./src/prefx.ts"

Step 2 : Now, run the following in a command prompt terminal

npm run build:prefx

After the above command you should now see a prefx.ts file in your src folder

Step 3 : Import your compiled .ts file and apply to component(s)

import { animations } from "./prefx"
import { Component } from "@angular/core"

  selector: 'app',
  template: '<div *ngIf="a==1" [@fadeInUp]="true">hello world</div>',
  animations: animations

Work on This Project

Everything in this topic is run in an command prompt terminal

Clone this project

git clone

Dev Fast Project Watching

npm run watch

Build before commit

npm run build


A special thank you goes out to yuyang041060120 for creating ng2-animate and for taking too long to respond to my pull request, which has led to the birth of ack-angular-fx.

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  • ackerapple