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Automated Acceptance Testing for Mobile Apps.


TODO Release instructions for Android and iOS.

$ rake -T
rake android:build     # Build the Android test server
rake build             # Build calabash-1.9.9.pre2.gem into the pkg directory
rake ctags             # Generate ctags in ./git/tags
rake install           # Build and install calabash-1.9.9.pre2.gem into system gems
rake release           # Create tag v1.9.9.pre2 and build and push calabash-1.9.9.pre2.gem to Rubygems
rake spec              # Run RSpec code examples
rake unit              # Run RSpec code examples
rake yard              # Generate YARD Documentation
rake yard:publish      # Generate and publish docs



$ be rake unit # All unit tests.
$ be guard     # Run unit tests as you develop.

Integration tests

$ rake integration:page-object-model  # Run POM tests
$ rake integration:ruby               # Run tests ensuing correct Ruby interfacing
$ rake integration:cli                # Run command line interface tests