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Scalability Analysis Tools

Project description

## Scalability Analysis Tools

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`sca_tools` analyzes software scalability benchmarking experiments,
specifically measurements of throughput as a function of applied load
or concurrency. It is a Python library and set of command line
utilities and that will help you:
- Model and quantify throughput bottlenecks in your application
- Capacity plan
- Compare performance benchmarks for regressions

We rely on Neil Gunther's
[Universal Scalability Law](
as a model and [lmfit]( to perform
model fitting. `sca_tools` differs from existing implementations (see
[Related Work](#related-work)) in a few ways:
- Emphasis on robust parameter estimation
- Support for propagation of parameter uncertanties when computing
derived quantities, such as latency, queue size, etc.
- Support for experimental measurement uncertainty
- Written using Scientific Python libraries

This is alpha software: use it at your **own risk** (e.g., don't use
it to make business decisions). It's very much a **work in progress**,
but currently includes:
- Fitting routines to the USL and basic reporting around
goodness-of-fit for USL's convention and coherence parameters.
- Graph outputs for best fit model, best fit model confidence
intervals, fit data, residuals, etc.
- Command line tools to produce these models from CSV data, as well
as manipulate and aggregate CSV data from computer experiments.

## Usage

The `fixtures/` directory contains the SPEC SDM91 load-througput
benchmark ported from Stefan Möding's
[R implementation]( of USL.

> python sca_tools/ --model_type usl fixtures/specsdm91.csv

----- Summary -----

[[Fit Statistics]]
# function evals = 41
# data points = 7
# variables = 3
chi-square = 27453.720
reduced chi-square = 6863.430
Akaike info crit = 63.920
Bayesian info crit = 63.758
lambda_: 89.9954927 +/- 14.21296 (15.79%) (init= 1000)
sigma_: 0.02772863 +/- 0.009121 (32.90%) (init= 0.1)
kappa: 0.00010437 +/- 1.99e-05 (19.04%) (init= 0.001)
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are < 0.100)
C(lambda_, sigma_) = 0.964
C(sigma_, kappa) = -0.467
C(lambda_, kappa) = -0.243


![Throughput model](docs/specsdm91-throughput_model.png)

## Related Work


## Citations

- Neil J. Gunther. *Guerrilla Capacity Planning: A Tactical Approach
to Planning for Highly Scalable Applications and
Services*. Springer, Heidelberg, Germany, 1st edition, 2007.
- Baron Schwartz. *Practical Scalability Analysis with the Universal
Scalability Law*. VividCortex, November 2015.

## License

Copyright © 2017 Bhaskar Mookerji

Distributed under the Apache License 2.0

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