A terminal client which can be used to control remote instruments using the INDI protocol.
Project description
You may have Python programs implementing some form of data collection or control and wish to remotely operate such an instrument.
An associated package 'indipydriver' can be used to take your data, organise it into a data structure defined by the INDI protocol, and serve it on a port.
This indipyterm package provides a terminal client, which connects to the port, allowing you to view and control your instrument from a terminal session.
It can be installed from Pypi with:
pip install indipyterm
indipydriver and indipyterm communicate with the INDI protocol.
INDI - Instrument Neutral Distributed Interface.
See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instrument_Neutral_Distributed_Interface
The INDI protocol defines the format of the data sent, such as light, number, text, switch or BLOB (Binary Large Object). The client is general purpose, taking the format of switches, numbers etc., from the protocol.
The client can be run from a virtual environment with
indipyterm [options]
or with
python3 -m indipyterm [options]
The package help is:
usage: indipyterm [options]
Terminal client to communicate to an INDI service.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--port PORT Port of the INDI server (default 7624).
--host HOST Hostname/IP of the INDI server (default localhost).
--blobfolder BLOBFOLDER Optional folder where BLOB's will be saved.
--version show program's version number and exit
A typical session would look like:
and showing one device:
The package can be installed from:
If installed from Pypi, then dependencies will automatically be pulled and installed, these are:
indipyclient - which generates and parses the INDI protocol.
textual - a library used to generate terminal interfaces.
Plus other packages which textual calls upon.
The indipydriver package which can be used to create instrument control, and serve the INDI protocol is available at:
With example driver scripts at:
The indipyclient package contains classes which may be useful if you want to create your own client or client script: