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This package help convert your excel files (xlsx,xls,csv) to Postgresql Database.

Project description


Automatically save your local excel files (xlsx,xls,csv) onto Postgresql database


This package help to convert your excel files (xlsx,xls,csv) to postgresql database.


exceltopostgresql can be installed as:

pip install exceltopostgresql


👍 pandas

👍 psycopg2

👍 sqlalchemy


import exceltopostgresql as ep
# generate the class instance

# STEP One, prepare your input pareameters

yourFile  = "test01.xls"  # available for xlsx, xls,csv
yourUsrID = ""
yourPWD   = ""
yourDBname= ""
rename_table = ""
	# "": save your file name as table name onto posgtresql
	# or
	# customize your table, like: "test"

# get your local host name
# this will return your local computer name for your sql server database
host_name = ep.hostname
host_name = "localhost"

# get your local ip address
# this will return your local ip address (if your sql server can be accessed by DNS)
ip = ep.local_ip

# you need to change your host if needed, dns: local ip address
#yourHostORip  = "localhost"
# yourHostORip  = host_name
yourHostORip  = ip

# STEP Two connect to postgresql server and load your input data

# STEP Three, save loaded data onto postgresql
Successfully load excel data...
Secessfully connected to postgresql...
Secessfully saved 'yourtable' to Postgresql...

API Reference

exceltopostgresql.ExcelToDB(filePath, host_ip="", usrID ="", pwd="", database_name="", port= "5432", rename_table="")

            filePath (str): [path of your input file name]
            host_ip (bool, optional): the ip of your host machine. Defaults to "".
            usrID (bool, optional): user id of your postgresql database. Defaults to "".
            pwd (bool, optional): password of your postgresql database. Defaults to "".
            database_name (bool, optional): the exact database name you want your data save to. Defaults to "".
            port (str, optional): the postgresql port. Defaults to "5432".
            rename_table (bool, optional): rename your input table.
                if "", will use exact the same table name of your input file. Defaults to "".

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