Easy SQL in Python
Project description
A Python library for using SQL
Inspired by the excellent Yesql library by Kris Jenkins. In my mother tongue, ano means yes.
If you are on python3.6+ or need anosql to work with asyncio-based database drivers, see the related project, aiosql.
Complete documentation is available at Read The Docs.
$ pip install anosql
Given a queries.sql file:
-- name: get-all-greetings
-- Get all the greetings in the database
SELECT * FROM greetings;
-- name: select-users
-- Get all the users from the database,
-- and return it as a dict
We can issue SQL queries, like so:
import anosql
import psycopg2
import sqlite3
# PostgreSQL
conn = psycopg2.connect('...')
queries = anosql.from_path('queries.sql', 'psycopg2')
# Or, Sqlite3...
conn = sqlite3.connect('cool.db')
queries = anosql.from_path('queries.sql', 'sqlite3')
# => [(1, 'Hi')]
# => Get all the greetings in the database
# => SELECT * FROM greetings;
# => ['get_all_greetings']
Often, you want to change parts of the query dynamically, particularly values in the WHERE clause. You can use parameters to do this:
-- name: get-greetings-for-language
-- Get all the greetings in the database for given language
FROM greetings
WHERE lang = %s;
And they become positional parameters:
visitor_language = "en"
queries.get_greetings_for_language(conn, visitor_language)
Named Parameters
To make queries with many parameters more understandable and maintainable, you can give the parameters names:
-- name: get-greetings-for-language-and-length
-- Get all the greetings in the database for given language and length
FROM greetings
WHERE lang = :lang
AND len(greeting) <= :length_limit;
If you were writing a Postgresql query, you could also format the parameters as %s(lang) and %s(length_limit).
Then, call your queries like you would any Python function with named parameters:
visitor_language = "en"
greetings_for_texting = queries.get_greetings_for_language_and_length(
conn, lang=visitor_language, length_limit=140)
In order to run UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements, you need to add ! to the end of your query name. Anosql will then execute it properly. It will also return the number of affected rows.
Insert queries returning autogenerated values
If you want the auto-generated primary key to be returned after you run an insert query, you can add <! to the end of your query name.
-- name: create-user<!
INSERT INTO person (name) VALUES (:name)
Adding custom query loaders.
Out of the box, anosql supports SQLite and PostgreSQL via the stdlib sqlite3 database driver and psycopg2. If you would like to extend anosql to communicate with other types of databases, you may create a driver adapter class and register it with anosql.core.register_driver_adapter().
Driver adapters are duck-typed classes which adhere to the below interface. Looking at anosql/adapters package is a good place to get started by looking at how the psycopg2 and sqlite3 adapters work.
To register a new loader:
import anosql import anosql.core class MyDbAdapter(): def process_sql(self, name, op_type, sql): pass def select(self, conn, sql, parameters): pass @contextmanager def select_cursor(self, conn, sql, parameters): pass def insert_update_delete(self, conn, sql, parameters): pass def insert_update_delete_many(self, conn, sql, parameters): pass def insert_returning(self, conn, sql, parameters): pass def execute_script(self, conn, sql): pass anosql.core.register_driver_adapter("mydb", MyDbAdapter) # To use make a connection to your db, and pass "mydb" as the db_type: import mydbdriver conn = mydbriver.connect("...") anosql.load_queries("path/to/sql/", "mydb") greetings = anosql.get_greetings(conn) conn.close()
If your adapter constructor takes arguments, you can register a function which can build your adapter instance:
def adapter_factory(): return MyDbAdapter("foo", 42) anosql.register_driver_adapter("mydb", adapter_factory)
$ pip install tox $ tox
BSD, short and sweet