lensed CMB sims pipe
Project description
# lenspyx
Curved-sky python lensed CMB maps simulation package by Julien Carron.
This allows one to build very easily lensed CMB simulations.
The package explicitly provides a few methods for most basic usage (such alm2lenmap and synfast). Check the [doc](https://lenspyx.readthedocs.io/en/latest) (which refers to the repo master branch). There is also a notebook [demo_lenspyx](examples/demo_lenspyx.ipynb) for examples and sanity checks.
There are further tools for CMB lensing reconstruction (adjoint lensing etc.) which may be useful to CMB-lensing intensive applications.
From v2 onwards (april 2023):
Lenspyx now essentially only wraps extremely efficient routines from [DUCC](https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/mtr/ducc) by M.Reinecke, with massive speed-ups and accuracy improvements (see [this paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.10431)), in a way incompatible to v1 which is now abandoned.
Required is ducc0 version >= 0.30.0. For best performance, please refer to the [DUCC page](https://gitlab.mpcdf.mpg.de/mtr/ducc) for installation instructions making profit of compiler-specfic optimizations.
### Installation
The code should hopefully be platform independent.
Editable installation from source: clone the repo and
pip install –no-binary ducc0 -e ./ [–user]
From pypi
pip install –no-binary ducc0 lenspyx [–user]
The –-user is required only if you don’t have write permission to your main python installation. The ducc0 installation without binaries might take a while (several minutes).
In case you use this package and also wish to acknowledge it, you can provide a reference to [this paper](https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.10431).