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Interactive visualizations of Terraform dependency graphs

Project description

# Blast Radius

[![PyPI version](]( ![CircleCI](

*Blast Radius* is a tool for reasoning about *Terraform* dependency graphs with interactive visualizations. Use *Blast Radius* to:
* **Learn** about *Terraform* or one of its cloud providers, through [example configurations](
* **Document** your infrastructure
* **Reason** about relationships between resources, and evaluate changes to them.

<img src="doc/blastradius-interactive.png">

* **Interact** with this diagram (and many others) [here](

# Quickstart

Install *Blast Radius* with pip, and *Graphviz* through your system's package manager.

[...]pip3installBlastRadius[...] brew install graphviz

Point *Blast Radius* at an `init-ed` *Terraform* project, and connect with your browser.

[...]You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode docker run --cap-add=SYS_ADMIN -it --rm -p 5000:5000 -v You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in math mode tree -d
/-- project
|-- modules
| |-- foo
| |-- bar
| `-- dead
`-- stacks
`-- beef
`-- .terraform

[...]cdprojectdockerruncapadd=SYSADMINitrmp5000:5000v(pwd):/workdir:ro 28mm/blast-radius --serve stacks/beef
# Embedded Figures

You may wish to embed figures produced with *Blast Radius* in other documents. You will need the following:

1. an `svg` file and `json` document representing the graph and its layout.
2. `javascript` and `css` found in `.../blastradius/server/static`
3. a uniquely identified DOM element, where the `<svg>` should appear.

Further details available [here](doc/

# Implementation Details

*Blast Radius* uses the [*Graphviz*]( package to layout graph diagrams, [*PyHCL*]( to parse [*Terraform*]( configurations, and [*d3.js*]( to implement interactive features and animations.

# Further Reading

The development of *Blast Radius* is documented in a series of [blog]( posts:

* [part 1]( motivations, d3 force-directed layouts vs. vanilla graphviz.
* [part 2]( d3-enhanced graphviz layouts, meaningful coloration, animations.
* [part 3]( limiting horizontal sprawl, supporting modules.
* [part 4]( search, pan/zoom, prune-to-selection, docker.

A catalog of example *Terraform* configurations, and their dependency graphs can be found [here](

* [AWS two-tier architecture](
* [AWS networking (featuring modules)](
* [Google two-tier architecture](
* [Azure load-balancing with 2 vms](

These examples are drawn primarily from the `examples/` directory distributed with various *Terraform* providers, and aren't necessarily ideal. Additional examples, particularly demonstrations of best-practices, or of multi-cloud configurations strongly desired.

Supported by

AWS AWS Cloud computing and Security Sponsor Datadog Datadog Monitoring Fastly Fastly CDN Google Google Download Analytics Pingdom Pingdom Monitoring Sentry Sentry Error logging StatusPage StatusPage Status page