
1.1.12 • Public • Published


Pluxbox RadioManager gives you the power, flexibility and speed you always wanted in a lightweight and easy-to-use web-based radio solution. With Pluxbox RadioManager you can organise your radio workflow and automate your omnichannel communication with your listeners. We offer wide range specialised services for the radio and connections like Hybrid Radio, Visual Radio, your website and social media without losing focus on your broadcast. For more information visit:

  • API version: 2.0
  • Package version: 1.1.12
  • Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen For more information, please visit


For Node.js


To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".

Then install it via:

npm install radiomanager --save

Finally, you need to build the module:

npm run build
Local development

To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json (and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR. Then run:

npm install

Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR:

npm link

To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your radiomanager from, and run:

npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>

Finally, you need to build the module:

npm run build


If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:

    npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save

Getting Started

Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:

var radiomanager = require('radiomanager');

var defaultClient = radiomanager.ApiClient.instance;
// Configure API key authorization: API-Key
var API-Key = defaultClient.authentications['API-Key'];
API-Key.apiKey = "YOUR API KEY"
// Uncomment the following line to set a prefix for the API key, e.g. "Token" (defaults to null)
//API-Key.apiKeyPrefix['api-key'] = "Token"

var api = new radiomanager.BlockApi()
var id = 789; // {Number} ID of Block **(Required)**
var opts = {
  'externalStationId': 789 // {Number} Query on a different (content providing) station *(Optional)*
api.getBlockById(id, opts).then(function(data) {
  console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
}, function(error) {

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
radiomanager.BlockApi getBlockById GET /blocks/{id} Get block by id
radiomanager.BlockApi getCurrentBlock GET /blocks/current Get current Block
radiomanager.BlockApi getNextBlock GET /blocks/next Get upcoming Block
radiomanager.BlockApi listBlocks GET /blocks Get a list of all blocks currently in your station.
radiomanager.BroadcastApi createBroadcast POST /broadcasts Create broadcast.
radiomanager.BroadcastApi deleteBroadcastById DELETE /broadcasts/{id} Delete broadcast by id
radiomanager.BroadcastApi getBroadcastById GET /broadcasts/{id} Get broadcast by id
radiomanager.BroadcastApi getCurrentBroadcast GET /broadcasts/current Get current Broadcast
radiomanager.BroadcastApi getDailyEPG GET /broadcasts/epg/daily Get daily EPG
radiomanager.BroadcastApi getEPGByDate GET /broadcasts/epg Get EPG by date
radiomanager.BroadcastApi getNextBroadcast GET /broadcasts/next Get next Broadcast
radiomanager.BroadcastApi getWeeklyEPG GET /broadcasts/epg/weekly Get weekly EPG
radiomanager.BroadcastApi listBroadcasts GET /broadcasts Get all broadcasts.
radiomanager.BroadcastApi printBroadcastById GET /broadcasts/print/{id} Print broadcast by id with template
radiomanager.BroadcastApi updateBroadcastByID PATCH /broadcasts/{id} Update broadcast by id
radiomanager.CampaignApi createCampaign POST /campaigns Create campaign.
radiomanager.CampaignApi deleteCampaignById DELETE /campaigns/{id} Delete campaign by id
radiomanager.CampaignApi getCampaignById GET /campaigns/{id} Get campaign by id
radiomanager.CampaignApi listCampaigns GET /campaigns Get all campaigns.
radiomanager.CampaignApi updateCampaignByID PATCH /campaigns/{id} Update campaign by id
radiomanager.ContactApi createContact POST /contacts Create contact.
radiomanager.ContactApi deleteContactById DELETE /contacts/{id} Delete contact by id
radiomanager.ContactApi getContactById GET /contacts/{id} Get contact by id
radiomanager.ContactApi listContacts GET /contacts Get all contacts.
radiomanager.ContactApi updateContactByID PATCH /contacts/{id} Update contact by id
radiomanager.GenreApi getGenreById GET /genres/{id} Get genre by id
radiomanager.GenreApi listGenres GET /genres List all genres.
radiomanager.GroupApi getGroupById GET /groups/{id} Get group by id
radiomanager.GroupApi listGroups GET /groups Get all groups.
radiomanager.ItemApi createItem POST /items Create an new item.
radiomanager.ItemApi currentItemPostStructure POST /items/current/structure Post a current playing item, keep structure
radiomanager.ItemApi currentItemPostTiming POST /items/current/timing Post current playing Item
radiomanager.ItemApi deleteItemById DELETE /items/{id} Delete item by ID.
radiomanager.ItemApi getCurrentItem GET /items/current Get current Item
radiomanager.ItemApi getItemById GET /items/{id} Get extended item details by ID.
radiomanager.ItemApi listItems GET /items Get a list of all the items currently in your station.
radiomanager.ItemApi playlistPostMerge POST /items/playlist/merge Post a playlist, do not remove previously imported items
radiomanager.ItemApi playlistPostStructure POST /items/playlist/structure Post a playlist, keep current structure
radiomanager.ItemApi playlistPostTiming POST /items/playlist/timing Post a playlist
radiomanager.ItemApi stopCurrentItem POST /items/stopcurrent Stop an Item
radiomanager.ItemApi updateItemById PATCH /items/{id} Update extended item details by ID.
radiomanager.ModelTypeApi getModelTypeById GET /model_types/{id} Get modelType by id
radiomanager.ModelTypeApi listModelTypes GET /model_types Get all modelTypes.
radiomanager.PresenterApi createPresenter POST /presenters Create presenter.
radiomanager.PresenterApi deletePresenterById DELETE /presenters/{id} Delete presenter by id
radiomanager.PresenterApi getPresenterById GET /presenters/{id} Get presenter by id
radiomanager.PresenterApi listPresenters GET /presenters Get all presenters.
radiomanager.PresenterApi updatePresenterByID PATCH /presenters/{id} Update presenter by id
radiomanager.ProgramApi createProgram POST /programs Create program.
radiomanager.ProgramApi deleteProgramById DELETE /programs/{id} Delete program by id
radiomanager.ProgramApi getProgramById GET /programs/{id} Get program by id
radiomanager.ProgramApi listPrograms GET /programs Get all programs.
radiomanager.ProgramApi updateProgramByID PATCH /programs/{id} Update program by id
radiomanager.StationApi getStation GET /station Get own station only
radiomanager.StringApi getStringsByName GET /strings/{name} Get Strings (formatted)
radiomanager.TagApi createTag POST /tags Create tag.
radiomanager.TagApi deleteTagById DELETE /tags/{id} Delete tag by id
radiomanager.TagApi getTagById GET /tags/{id} Get tags by id
radiomanager.TagApi listTags GET /tags Get a list of all the tags currently in your station.
radiomanager.TagApi updateTagByID PATCH /tags/{id} Update tag by id
radiomanager.UserApi deleteUserById DELETE /users/{id} Remove User from station by Id
radiomanager.UserApi getUserById GET /users/{id} Get user by id
radiomanager.UserApi inviteUserByMail POST /users/invite Invite user by mail
radiomanager.UserApi listUsers GET /users Get all users.
radiomanager.VisualSlideApi getVisualSlide GET /visual Get Visual Slide Image

Documentation for Models

Documentation for Authorization


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: api-key
  • Location: HTTP header




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