
1.0.0 • Public • Published


Nearley.js is a fantastic parser toolkit for Javascript. However I've found it's programmatic interface a bit lacking. nearley-there fills in the gaps and make it easy to programmtically test and compile Nearley grammars into functional code.

Note: nearley-there is a development tool and you should compile your grammars and not use this lib for production.


npm install nearley
npm install --save-dev nearley-there

The compiled grammars produced by nearley-there require nearley to run, but nearley-there shouldn't be used in production.


const N = require('nearley-there');
const fs = require('fs');
const colorGrammar = fs.readFileSync('./', 'utf8');
//N.parse takes a grammar string and target
const color = N.parse(colorGrammar, '#333');
//If can also take file paths to grammars
const four = N.parse('./', '1+3');
//N.compile returns a compiled module for your grammar, ready-to-use
const compiled = N.compile('./');
fs.writeFileSync('./calculator.js', compiled);
//If you provide a filepath, it'll write the compiled grammar there
N.compile(colorGrammar, './color.js');


.compile(grammar|path, [filepath])

Takes a grammar or a path to a grammar, compiles it, and returns the compiled parser as a string. If a filepath is provided it will write the result to a new file there.

const compiled = N.compile('./');
fs.writeFileSync('./calculator.js', compiled);
N.compile(colorGrammar, './color.js');
const ColorParser = require('./color.js');
const color = ColorParser('#345');

.parse(grammar|path, target)

Takes a grammar or a path to a grammar, compiles it, then parses the target through the compiled grammar and returns the result. This function will not throw errors if the target does not match the grammar, it will instead just return the parsing errors. It will throw errors if the grammar is invalid.

Warning: Uses eval(). Don't use this other than for testing.

const color = N.parse(colorGrammar, '#333');
const four = N.parse('./', '1+3');

.unparse(grammar|path, [depth=5])

Nearley also has the ability to do unparsing, where it can take a grammar and produce random strings that conform to that grammar.

.unparse() takes a grammar or a path to a grammar, compiles it, the runs an unparser on it executing to the depth. This function may throw an error if the depth provided is too shallow ofr it to generate any results.

const randomColor = N.unparse(colorGrammar, 10);
//randomColor -> '#3471a3';

.generator(grammar|path, [filepath])

Takes a grammar or a path to a grammar, compiles it, integrates in the unparser and returns the generator as a string. If a filepath is provided it will write the result to a new file there.

N.generator('./', './color.rand.js');
const RandColor = require('./color.rand.js');
const randomColor = RandColor(7);
//randomColor -> '#3471a3';

compiled parsers

Compiled parsers are ready-to-use js files that can be required and used as a parsing function. This is what is used to produce a compiled parser.

const Nearley = require('nearley');
/** Generated by Nearley.js **/
/** End **/
const CompiledGrammar = new Nearley.Parser(grammar.ParserRules,grammar.ParserStart).grammar;
module.exports = (input)=>{
    return (new Nearley.Parser(CompiledGrammar))


//On build
const N = require('nearley-there');
N.compile('./', './calculator.js');
//After build
const Calculator = require('./calculator.js');
Calculator('1+4') // -> 5

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  • stolksdorf