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Backbone.js module of drawing line graph


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This is Backbone.js view, model and collection class for drawing HTML5(canvas) line graph.


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How to use it


// require
var $ = require('jquery');
var Graph = require('backbone-graph');
// initialize graph data
var lineData = new Graph.LineData({
  lineColor: "#ffcc00",
  peakColor: "#ffffff"
// You can also use Graph.PointData() for drawing point graph.
var pointData = new Graph.PointData({
  pointColor: "#ff0000"                                // This is the default color of each point
  pointShape: Graph.PointData.SHAPE.DOWNWARD_TRIANGLE  // This is the default shape of each point
// add point to graph data
var graphSample = [
  [0, 100],
  [10, 200],
  [20, 400],
  [30, 350],
  [40, 500],
  [50, 600],
  [60, 550],
  [70, 1000],
  [80, 200],
  [90, 50],
  [100, 300]
graphSample.forEach(function (point){
  lineData.addPoint(new Graph.Point(point[0], point[1]));
  pointData.addPoint(new Graph.Point(point[0], point[1]))
  // if you want to set each point color and shape
  //   pointData.addPoint(new Graph.Point(point[0], point[1]), "#RRGGBB", Graph.PointData.SHAPE.CIRCLE)
// add graph data to collection
var graphCollection = new Graph.Collection([lineData, pointData]);
// initialize graph view
var graphView = new Graph.GraphView({
  collection: graphCollection,
  width: 600,
  height: 400,
  xAxis: { max:100, interval:50, subInterval:10, axisColor: AXIS_COLOR },
  yAxis: { max:1000, interval:100, subInterval:100, axisColor: AXIS_COLOR },
  range: { color: AXIS_COLOR, opacity: 0.5 }
// call change() function to redraw graph 

style sheet (css)

  • backbone-graph.css

    link backbone-graph.css or backbone-graph.min.css in the header section of your html file.

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="dist/css/backbone-graph.css">

  • user customize

/* You can change the magnification button position */
.backbone_graph_scale {
    left: 485px;
    top: 0;
/* You can change the magnification button appearance */
.backbone_graph_scale_button {
    background: #7bbcd8;
    color: #fff;
/* You can change the magnification number appearance */
.backbone_graph_scale_number {
    background: #fcfcfc;
    color: #000;

Graph sample

Normal graph

Graph sample

Smoothed graph

Graph sample

How to operate the Graph

  • Magnification

    You can change the graph magnification to click the plus / minus button at the top of the graph. The magnification can be changed every 50%, and maximum is 800%.

  • Scroll

    You can scroll the graph to drag around the x axis.

  • Select range

    You can select the graph range that you want to check in detail. To drag the graph area, you can select the range. After selecting , you can adjust the range to drag the edge of the range. And you can move to drag the center of the range.

Other functions

Graph.LineData.smooth(interval, range, xyRatio, threshould)

interval : Before smoothing graph data, each data should have same interval. So this function re-sample the data with interval parameter.

range : This function calculate moving average to smooth the graph data. range is the range of moving average.

xyRatio : Ratio of x axis unit and y axis unit. For instance, if x axis unit is KM and y is m then xyRatio should be 1000.

threshold : This function calculate peak of the graph by checking change of inclination. threshold is limit value of inclination.

// First this function re-sample the data with interval 1, 
// Next function calcurate moving average.  
lineData.smooth(1, 10, 1000, 0.01); 
console.log(lineData.peakList);                  // you can get peak data array
console.log(lineData.smoothStatictics.gain);     // you can get total gain
console.log(lineData.smoothStatictics.drop);     // you can get total drop


clear the calculated smooth data, peak, total gain and drop.



class property type detail
Graph.PointData / Graph.LineData max Graph.Point Maximum Graph.Point before smoothing.
min Graph.Point Minimum Graph.Point before smoothing.
xMax number maximum x
Graph.LineData isSmooth boolean Whether line data is smoothed or not.
smoothStatistics Object *1
isRangeSelected boolean Whether range is selected or not.
rangeStatistics Object *2
  • *1 Graph.LineData.smoothStatistics
Graph.LineData.smoothStatistics = {
  max : {               // Maximum Graph.Point after smoothing
    x : number,
    y : number
  min : {               // Minimum Graph.Point after smoothing
    x : number,
    y : number
  gain : number,        // total gain
  drop : number,        // total drop
  incline: {
    max : {
      incline: number,  // %
      point : {
        x : number,
        y : number            
    min : {
      incline: number,  // %
      point : {
        x : number,
        y : number            
    ave : incline       // %
  • *2 Graph.LineData.rangeStatistics
Graph.LineData.smoothStatistics = {
  start : number,       // x value of range start
  start : number,       // x value of range end
  width : number,       // range width
  max : {               // Maximum Graph.Point of range
    x : number,
    y : number
  min : {               // Minimum Graph.Point of range
    x : number,
    y : number
  gain : number,        // total gain
  drop : number,        // total drop
  incline: {
    max : {
      incline: number,  // %
      point : {
        x : number,
        y : number            
    min : {
      incline: number,  // %
      point : {
        x : number,
        y : number            
    ave : incline       // %


| class | event | parameter | when event triggers | |-----------------------------------|------------------|----------------------------------------------------------| | Graph.LineData | changeSelection | none | Selected range is changed or unselected | | Graph.PointData | click | index, screenPos | Point is clicked | | | mouseenter | index, screenPos | Mouse cursor enter the point | | | mouseleave | index | Mouse cursor leave from the point or any area is clicked |

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  • motoyasu