
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Graph Protocol Token Lock

This repository contains a number of contracts that will support the locking of tokens of participants under different schedules. An important premise is that participants with locked tokens can perform a number of restricted actions in the protocol with their tokens.



The contract lock manages a number of tokens deposited into the contract to ensure that they can only be released under certain time conditions.

This contract implements a release scheduled based on periods where tokens are released in steps after each period ends. It can be configured with one period in which case it works like a plain TimeLock. It also supports revocation by the contract owner to be used for vesting schedules.

The contract supports receiving extra funds over the managed tokens that can be withdrawn by the beneficiary at any time.

A releaseStartTime parameter is included to override the default release schedule and perform the first release on the configured time. After that initial release it will continue with the default schedule.


This contract is built on top of the base GraphTokenLock functionality. It allows the use of locked funds only when authorized function calls are issued to the contract. It works by "forwarding" authorized function calls to predefined target contracts in the Graph Network.

The idea is that supporters with locked tokens can participate in the protocol but disallow any release before the vesting/lock schedule. The function calls allowed are queried to the GraphTokenLockManager, this way the same configuration can be shared for all the created lock wallet contracts.

Locked tokens must only leave this contract under the locking rules and by the beneficiary calling release(). Tokens used in the protocol need to get back to this contract when unstaked or undelegated.

Some users can profit by participating in the protocol through their locked tokens, if they withdraw them from the protocol back to the lock contract, they should be able to withdraw those surplus funds out of the contract.

The following functions signatures will be authorized for use:

### Target

- Staking contract address

### Function Signatures

- setOperator(address,bool)

- stake(uint256)
- unstake(uint256)
- withdraw()

- setDelegationParameters(uint32,uint32,uint32)
- delegate(address,uint256)
- undelegate(address,uint256)
- withdrawDelegated(address,address)


Contract that works as a factory of GraphTokenLockWallet contracts. It manages the function calls authorized to be called on any GraphTokenWallet and also holds addresses of our protocol contracts configured as targets.

The Manager supports creating TokenLock contracts based on a mastercopy bytecode using a Minimal Proxy to save gas. It also do so with CREATE2 to have reproducible addresses, this way any future to be deployed contract address can be passed to beneficiaries before actual deployment.

For convenience, the Manager will also fund the created contract with the amount of each contract's managed tokens.

L2 deployment and transfer tools

As part of the process for The Graph to move to Arbitrum, some contracts were added to allow GraphTokenLockWallet beneficiaries to transfer their funds to a vesting wallet in L2 and transfer their stake and delegations to L2 as well, where they will be owned by the L2 vesting wallet. See GIP-0046 for more details about the architecture.


The L2 version of the GraphTokenLockWallet is essentially the same, but adds a special function to initialize a wallet with information received from L1. Keep in mind that vesting contracts in L2 that are created from an L1 contract cannot release funds in L2 until the end of the full vesting timeline. Funds can be sent back to L1 using the L2GraphTokenLockTransferTool to be released there.


The L2 manager inherits from GraphTokenLockManager but includes an onTokenTransfer function for the GRT bridge to call when receiving locked GRT from L1. The first time that GRT is received for a new L1 wallet, the corresponding L2GraphTokenLockWallet contract is created and initialized.


For L1 GraphTokenLockWallet beneficiaries to transfer to L2, they must use this transfer tool contract. The contract allows beneficiaries to deposit ETH to pay for the L2 gas and fees related to sending messages to L2. It then allows two different flows, depending on the state of the vesting contract:

  • For fully vested GraphTokenLockWallet contracts, the wallet can call the transfer tool specifying the address that the beneficiary wants to use in L2. This will be a normal wallet (can be an EOA or a multisig in L2), and this will be queried by the Staking contract when transferring stake or delegation. Please note that this address can only be set once and cannot be changed.
  • For contracts that are still vesting, the wallet can call the transfer tool specifying an amount of GRT to transfer to L2. This GRT value will be sent from the vesting wallet's GRT balance, and must be nonzero. The caller can also specify a beneficiary that will own the L2 vesting wallet, which is only used if this hasn't already been set in a previous call.


For beneficiaries of L1 vesting contracts to release funds that have been sent to L2, the GRT funds must be sent to L1 first. The L2GraphTokenLockTransferTool only has a withdrawToL1Locked function for this purpose, it will use the GRT bridge to send GRT to the L1 vesting contract that corresponds to the caller.


For detailed instructions about deploying the manager or the transfer tools, check out DEPLOYMENT.md.

Deploying new vesting locks

1) Check configuration

Ensure the .env file contains the MNEMONIC you are going to use for the deployment. Please refer to the .env.sample file for reference.

2) Create the deployment file

The file must be have CSV format in placed in the /ops folder with the following header:

... line 1
... line 2
... N
  • beneficiary Address of the beneficiary of locked tokens.
  • managedAmount Amount of tokens to be managed by the lock contract.
  • startTime Start time of the release schedule.
  • endTime End time of the release schedule.
  • periods Number of periods between start time and end time.
  • revocable Whether the contract is revocable. Should be 1 for Enabled or 2 for 1 Disable. Setting this to 0 for NotSet will cause the transaction to fail with error Must set a revocability option.
  • releaseStartTime Override time for when the releases start.
  • vestingCliffTime Time the cliff vests, 0 if no cliff

You can define one line per contract. Keep the header in the file.

In addition to that, create an empty file in the /ops folder to store the results of the deployed contracts.

2) Deposit funds in the Manager

You need to deposit enough funds in the Manager to be able to use for the deployments. When you run the create-token-locks command it will always check that the Manager has enough tokens to cover for the sum of vesting amount.

npx hardhat manager-deposit --amount <amount> --network <network>
  • amount is a string and it can have 18 decimals. For example 1000.12

  • network depends on the hardhat.config but most of the times will be sepolia or mainnet.

3) Deploy the contracts

npx hardhat create-token-locks --network sepolia \
    --deploy-file <deploy-file> \
    --result-file <result-file> \
    --owner-address <owner-address> \
    --dry-run (Flag) \
    --tx-builder (Flag) \
    --tx-builder-template <tx-builder-template> (Optional)
  • network depends on the hardhat.config but most of the times will be rinkeby or mainnet.

  • deploy-file file name under /ops that contains the contracts to deploy.

  • result-file file with the results of deployments.

  • owner-address address to use as owner of the vesting contracts. The owner can revoke the contract if revocable.

  • dry-run Get the deterministic contract addresses but do not deploy.

  • tx-builder Output transaction batch in JSON format, compatible with Gnosis Safe transaction builder. Does not deploy contracts.

  • tx-builder-template File to use as a template for the transaction builder.

Copyright © 2020 The Graph Foundation

Licensed under the MIT license.




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