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5.0.5 • Public • Published

Sequence Web SDK 🧰

Sequence Web SDK 🧰 is a library enabling developers to easily integrate web3 wallets in their app. It is based on wagmi and supports all wagmi features.

  • Connect via social logins eg: facebook, google, discord, etc...! 🔐🪪
  • Connect to popular web3 wallets eg: walletConnect, metamask ! 🦊 ⛓️
  • Full-fledged embedded wallet for coins and collectibles 👛 🖼️ 🪙
  • Fiat onramp 💵 💶 💴 💷

View the demo! 👀

Quick Start

Installing the Library

@0xsequence/connect is the core package. Any extra modules require this package to be installed first. To install this package:

npm install @0xsequence/connect wagmi ethers@6.13.0 viem 0xsequence @tanstack/react-query
# or
pnpm install @0xsequence/connect wagmi ethers@6.13.0 viem 0xsequence @tanstack/react-query
# or
yarn add @0xsequence/connect wagmi ethers@6.13.0 viem 0xsequence @tanstack/react-query

Setting up the Library

The 'easy' way

  • createConfig(walletType, options) method is used to create your initial config and prepare sensible defaults that can be overridden

walletType is either 'waas' or 'universal'

interface CreateConfigOptions {
  appName: string
  projectAccessKey: string
  chainIds?: number[]
  defaultChainId?: number
  disableAnalytics?: boolean
  defaultTheme?: Theme
  position?: ModalPosition
  signIn?: {
    logoUrl?: string
    projectName?: string
    useMock?: boolean
  displayedAssets?: Array<{
    contractAddress: string
    chainId: number
  ethAuth?: EthAuthSettings

  wagmiConfig?: WagmiConfig // optional wagmiConfig overrides

  waasConfigKey: string
  enableConfirmationModal?: boolean

    | boolean
    | {
        projectId: string

    | boolean
    | {
        clientId: string

    | boolean
    | {
        clientId: string
        rediretURI: string

    | boolean
    | {
        legacyEmailAuth?: boolean
import { SequenceConnect, createConfig } from '@0xsequence/connect'

import Content from './components/Content'

const config = createConfig('waas', {
  projectAccessKey: '<your-project-access-key>',
  chainIds: [1, 137],
  defaultChainId: 1,
  appName: 'Demo Dapp',
  waasConfigKey: '<your-waas-config-key>',

  google: {
    clientId: '<your-google-client-id>'

  apple: {
    clientId: '<your-apple-client-id>',
    redirectUrl: '...'

  walletConnect: {
    projectId: '<your-wallet-connect-id>'

function App() {
  return (
    <SequenceConnect config={config}>
      <Content />

Need more customization?

React apps must be wrapped by a Wagmi client and the SequenceWalletProvider components. It is important that the Wagmi wrapper comes before the Sequence Web SDK wrapper.

import Content from './components/Content'
import { SequenceConnectProvider, getDefaultConnectors, getDefaultChains } from '@0xsequence/connect'
import { QueryClient, QueryClientProvider } from '@tanstack/react-query'
import { createConfig, http, WagmiProvider } from 'wagmi'
import { mainnet, polygon, Chain } from 'wagmi/chains'

const projectAccessKey = 'xyz'

const chains = getDefaultChains(/* optional array of chain ids to filter */)

const transports = {}

chains.forEach(chain => {
  transports[chain.id] = http()

const connectors = getDefaultConnectors('universal', {
  appName: 'demo app',
  defaultChainId: 137,

  walletConnect: {
    projectId: '<your-wallet-connect-project-id>'

const config = createConfig({

const queryClient = new QueryClient()

function App() {
  return (
    <WagmiProvider config={config}>
      <QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
          <Content />

Opening the Sign in Modal

Wallet selection is done through a modal which can be called programmatically.

import { useOpenConnectModal } from '@0xsequence/connect'
import { useDisconnect, useAccount } from 'wagmi'

const MyReactComponent = () => {
  const { setOpenConnectModal } = useOpenConnectModal()

  const { isConnected } = useAccount()

  const onClick = () => {

  return <>{!isConnected && <button onClick={onClick}>Sign in</button>}</>



Use the useOpenConnectModal to change to open or close the connection modal.

import { useOpenConnectModal } from '@0xsequence/connect'
// ...
const { setOpenConnectModal } = useOpenConnectModal()


Use the useTheme hook to get information about the current theme, such as light or dark, or set it to something else.

import { useTheme } from '@0xsequence/connect'
const { theme, setTheme } = useTheme()



The SequenceConnectProvider wrapper can accept an optional config object.

The settings are described in more detailed in the Sequence Web SDK documentation.

  const connectConfig =  {
    defaultTheme: 'light',
    position: 'top-left',
    signIn: {
      logoUrl: 'https://logo-dark-mode.svg',
      projectName: 'my app',
    // limits the digital assets displayed on the assets summary screen
    displayedAssets: [
        contractAddress: zeroAddress,
        chainId: 137,
        contractAddress: '0x631998e91476da5b870d741192fc5cbc55f5a52e',
        chainId: 137
    readOnlyNetworks: [10],

  <SequenceConnectProvider config={connectConfig}>
    <App />


Package Description Docs
@0xsequence/connect Core package for Sequence Web SDK Read more
@0xsequence/wallet-widget Embedded wallets for viewing and sending coins and collectibles Read more
@0xsequence/checkout Checkout modal with fiat onramp Read more
example-react Example application showing sign in, wallet and checkout Read more

Local Development

The React example can be used to test the library locally.

  1. pnpm install
  2. From the root folder, run pnpm build to build the packages.
  3. From the root folder, run pnpm dev:react or pnpm dev:next to run the examples.

What to do next?

Now that the core package is installed, you can install the embedded wallet or take a look at the checkout.



Copyright (c) 2017-present Horizon Blockchain Games Inc. / https://horizon.io



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