
0.1.85 • Public • Published


This package provides the command-line interface (CLI) for the ESLint bulk suppressions feature from @rushstack/eslint-patch.

Setting it up

👉 Before using this tool, you will first need to install and configure the @rushstack/eslint-patch package.

See the eslint-bulk-suppressions documentation for details.

Typical workflow

  1. Checkout your main branch, which is in a clean state where ESLint reports no violations.
  2. Update your configuration to enable the latest lint rules; ESLint now reports thousands of legacy violations.
  3. Run eslint-bulk suppress --all ./src to update .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json.
  4. ESLint now no longer reports violations, so commit the results to Git and merge your pull request.
  5. Over time, engineers may improve some of the suppressed code, in which case the associated suppressions are no longer needed.
  6. Run eslint-bulk prune periodically to find and remove unnecessary suppressions from .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json, ensuring that new violations will now get caught in those scopes.

"eslint-bulk suppress" command

eslint-bulk suppress --rule NAME1 [--rule NAME2...] PATH1 [PATH2...]
eslint-bulk suppress --all PATH1 [PATH2...]

Use this command to automatically generate bulk suppressions for the specified lint rules and file paths. The path argument is a glob pattern with the same syntax as path arguments for the eslint command.

"eslint-bulk prune" command

Use this command to automatically delete all unnecessary suppression entries in all .eslint-bulk-suppressions.json files under the current working directory.

eslint-bulk prune


@rushstack/eslint-bulk is part of the Rush Stack family of projects.

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npm i @rushstack/eslint-bulk



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  • rushstack-admin
  • odspnpm
  • octogonz