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ecmake is ecma make

Next generation task running

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The task runner ecmake is a make, rake or gulp alike command implemented in ecmascript. The data model is a tree of task objects and offers a DSL. These modern aproaches make it stand out amoungst other task runners. In the spirit of the ecmasript ecmake makes intensive use of promises. This allows to cleanly scedule dependencies while running tasks in parallel whenever possible.

The makefile ecmake-code.js is a valid node module without any new syntax to learn. It is the natural companion of package.json. It enters the stage, where the scripts section of the json file is reaching the limits.

What makes the difference?

  • The task is the primary citizen, not just a configuration to a tool.
  • Each task is addressable.
  • The task tree allows for hierarchical organisation of the tasks quite like a directory.
  • Semantic path names are a goal of the tree.
  • The tree nodes are autocreated just by declaring a path.
  • The methods of a task can be chained.
  • They are designed as a simple domain specific language (DSL).
  • The object tree allows for composition.
  • The makefile can be modularised into multiple files.
  • You don't need adapters. Just require any library to freely use it.

Getting started

npm init -y
npm install --save-dev @ecmake/ecmake
npx ecmake --init
npx ecmake


Install on project base

npm install --save-dev @ecmake/ecmake
npx ecmake --version
npx ecmake --init

Install globally

npm install --global @ecmake/ecmake
ecmake --version

Then in the local project:

npm link @ecmake/ecmake
ecmake --init


usage command
typical usage $ ecmake target
do default target $ ecmake
short form $ ecmake [-b base] [-c code] target
long form $ ecmake [--base base] [--code code] --target target
show dependencies $ ecmake [--base base] [--code code] --awaits target
list targets $ ecmake [--base base] [--code code] (--list | --tree | --descriptions)
init project $ ecmake [--base base] [--code code] --init
help $ ecmake (--help | --options | --version)
  • [ ] optional
  • ( ) alternative

For a full reference of the options type emake --options and ecmake --help.


A minimal makefile

A callback is assigned by will().

const root = module.exports = require('@ecmake/ecmake').makeRoot();

root.default.will(() => console.log('Hello world!'));

Educational examples

The awaits() method declares a dependency of root.greeting upon root.setup. The result of root.setup is then used within the log message.

    .will(() => { return { name: 'Mary' }; });

    .will(() => console.log(`Hello ${}!`));

Every task can be called on command line. Calling ecmake setup wouldn't give any user experience, though. Hence, only the greeting task is selected as a listable target. Only listable targets are listed by the option --list.

    .will(() => { return { name: 'Mary' }; });

    .will(() => console.log(`Hello ${}!`));

A description can be given.

    .will(() => { return { name: 'Mary' }; });

    .described("greets the person named in the setup task")
    .will(() => console.log(`Hello ${}!`));

The nodes already spring into existence upon the first call to their path. So they can be wired up in any order.

    .described("greets the person named in the setup task")
    .will(() => console.log(`Hello ${}!`));

    .will(() => { return { name: 'Mary' }; });

Multiple dependencies can be given to awaits(). Here and root.hello.mars will be done in parallel. Hence, there is no order of execution defined by the order of the argumens. On the other hand both are garanteed to be finished before root.default will be executed. This is of special importance for asynchronous tasks.

    .awaits(, root.hello.mars)
    .will(() => console.log('finally done'));
    .will(() => console.log('Hello world!'));

    .will(() => console.log('Hello mars!'));

For asynchronous code a promise is to be returned by the callback. There are shortcuts. See next paragraph.

    .will(() => new Promise(
      (resolve) => {
        setTimeout(() => {
            console.log('Hello moon, here we come!');
        }, 1000);

Flexibility of the callback argument to .will()

Synchronous code

A callback function without arguments. The return value becomes the result of the task.

  .will(() => { 
    return result; 

Asynchronous code

A callback function without arguments returning a promise. The promise resolves to the result of the task.

  .will(() => { 
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... });

As a shortcut the callback of a promise can be given, which will automatically be wrapped by a new promise and a callback function.

It is equivalent with the form above, with the execption, that there is no wrapping context before the creation of the callback.

  .will((resolve, reject) => { ... });

The argument may be a promise, which will automatically be wrapped by a callback function.

  .will( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { ... }));

Full example of the template file

This example shows, how results are returned from a synchronous and an asynchronous callback. In case of the asynchronous callback root.countdown the result is returned with help of the resolve callback of the promise. In case of the synchronous callback root.setup the result is returned directely.

const root = module.exports = require('@ecmake/ecmake').makeRoot();

  .described('defaults to all')


  .described("it's the mars")
  .will(() => ({ planet: 'mars', countdown: 1000 }));
  .will(() => console.log('Hello world!'));

  .described('to the planet given in setup')
  .will(() => { console.log(root.countdown.result); });

  .will((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      resolve(`Hello ${root.setup.result.planet}, here we go!`);
    }, root.setup.result.countdown);

Namig conventions for the task tree

Domain name rules for the path

To get a uniform task tree it is recommended, to hold to rules for the choice of domain names. This will also make sure, that no conflicts with private properties of the Task object will occur. In special (heading) underscores should be avoided. If a hypen is not enforced by the orthography, dots should be prefered as separators.

Nouns for the tasks

Tasks should be preferably named by nouns. While the API of the class Task may be extended by titled() in future, title is a future proof task name. However, this rule is not that strict, as the example of shows. It is just a matter of weighting the risc.


  • runner: The main job of the ecmake command line tool is to run the selected task called target.

  • makefile: The makefile defines the tasks. The default name is ecmake-code.js. It is a pure node module.

  • model: The makefile defines a data model. It consists of a task tree and assigned callback functions.

  • callback: To each task a callback function can be assigned by the will() method. It holds the instructions to be executed by the task.

  • promise: A callback can return a Promise to be able to do asynchronous jobs.

  • task tree: The tasks are organized as a tree, not as a list.It as a mere container of callbacks and does not reflect any dependencies between them. See: dependency

  • root: The root node is to be exported by the makefile as access point for the runner.

  • leaf: The leaf nodes typically hold the callback functions, but you are free to assign them to inner nodes, too.

  • task: Technically every node in the tree is an object of the class Task from the root down to the leaves. It may hold a callback or not.

  • target: The target is the task, that you select on the command line to be executed.

  • result of a task: You CAN return a result from a callback, which will then become the result of the task. If it does asynchronous stuff, you MUST return a Promise from the callback. The promise CAN resolve with a result itself, which will in turn become the result of the task.

  • result access: The result of a task is accessible by the result property of the task as soon as the internal Promise is solved. Inside the callbacks of dependent tasks it is addressable via the task tree.

  • dependency: The dependencies are declared by use of the awaits() method of a task.

  • order of execution: The promises of all dependencies are solved before a callback is executed. The results of the dependencies are ready to be used. In short, it works as you would expect it to work.

  • parallel execution: Tasks may be executed in parallel, if there is no dependency.

  • race condition: If conflicts pop up due to race conditions of two tasks, you solve this by declaring a dependency to make sure they are executed in a timely order.

Branches, versions and tags

The versioning follows Sementic Versioning 2.0.0, see A version number is composed of three parts <major.minor.patch> i.e. 1.3.2. Minor versions introduce features, major versions introduce breaking changes. In major version 0 breaking changes may happen all the time.

The branches are devX, betaX, stableX and latest. where X is replaced by a major version. For major version 0 there is only the branch dev0. Development is done in the devX branches. The beta branches are for testing of the next releases. The stabeX branches hold the releases. The branch latest points to stable release with the highest version number.

As major version 0 allows for breaking changes, dev0 is used as a never ending mainstream of progress, as a general alpha branch. New features are ported into the other versions as reasonable. For a common development of new features, offsprings of dev0 can be shared within the repository. Hence, the pattern of such branches is dev0-feature.

The tags follow the realeases and have the pattern <v9.9.9>. For beta releases the extension -beta is appended to the tag like <v9.9.9-beta>.