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The CTA component is a powerful one. It can be used as simple link or button component. But it can also be used as data-js-item in other components or as data-js-module.


Global trigger

When using this the component as data-js-module the component can fire global events. That means you can listen in other modules on this event and work with the provided data.

Nice examples for the cta component as data-js-module are:

  • a simple toggler (mobile navigation, search toggler)
  • overlay opener with custom data


But you can also use this component as data-js-item in other components. In this way you need to initialize the CTA manually, but you have the power to overwrite the clickHandler.

Example usage


A <script> tag is included with a global event handler to produce an alert dialog box when clicking on the button.



Installation with Veams

veams install component cta
veams -i c cta




Parameter Type Value Description
settings.ctaButton Boolean a Define a button or link as CTA.
settings.ctaContextClass String default Context class of the CTA.
settings.ctaClass String Modifier classes for the CTA.
settings.ctaTarget String You can define a target when using an <a> tag.
settings.ctaJsItem String You can add this component as a data-js-item.
settings.ctaJsModule Boolean You can add this component as a data-js-module.
settings.ctaJsOptions Object You can add options to the CTA. This object gets stringified in your Markup.


Parameter Type Value Description
content.ctaTitle String You should define a title when using the <a> tag.



Parameter Type Value Description
settings.ctaIcon Boolean Renders .cta__icon into the Markup if set to true.
settings.ctaContentJsItem Boolean Renders "data-js-item="cta-content" into the Markup if set to true.


Parameter Type Value Description
content.ctaContent String Content of the CTA.

JavaScript Options

Parameter Type Value Description
activeClass String is-active Active class for CTA if it is clicked.
clickHandler String click Click handler like touchstart.
closedLabel String null Optional label for button while not active.
ctaContent String '[data-js-item="cta-content"]' Element selector for CTA content (used for updating the button text).
globalEvent String cta:click Global event triggered on click.
openedLabel String null Optional label for button while active.