This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A PHP router.

v2.2.0 2018-03-07 22:40 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-04-16 07:32:47 UTC


PHP version Build Status Coverage Status

Quest is a router for PHP >=7.

The name

In particular, questing heroes of all stripes seek after the fabled Daedric artifacts for their potent combat and magical benefits.

— Haderus of Gottlesfont, Modern Heretics

Getting started


Quest is available via Composer & Packagist.

  "require": {
    "oscarpalmer/quest": "2.2.*",
    "oscarpalmer/shelf": "2.3.*"

Quest uses Shelf, a Rack-like interface for PHP made by me. It's pretty cool.

Basic usage

use oscarpalmer\Quest\Quest;

$quest = new Quest;

$quest->get("/", function () {
    return "Hello, world!";


And that's it! But I'm sure you'll want to know more about routing and the API.


If you've ever used something like Sinatra, then routing with Quest shouldn't be too difficult.

There are three kinds of routing parameters that'll make working with complex routes a piece of cake.

  • *: matches just about everything; i.e .*?.
  • :param: matches any word character; i.e \w+.
  • (anything): optional match for anything; i.e. (anything)?.

Examples of routes

# the following route will match /a/simple/path
$quest->get("/a/simple/path", $callback);

# the following route will match
# /path/to/dir/file.extension and /a/b/c/d/e/f/b/g/h.i
$quest->get("/*/:file.:ext", $callback);

# optional parameters should be wrapped in parentheses;
# the following route will therefore match both
# /path/to/dir/file.extension and /path/to/dir/file
$quest->get("/*/:file(.:ext)", $callback);


Echoes are captured and flushed. Please use return statements to output stuff.

Error handlers

Having an error handler ready for when you or the user hits a bump is always useful. Status-specific handlers takes precedence over the wildcard handler, which in turn take precedence over the default handlers.

# Calling handlers
$quest->error();    # The error-handler defaults to 500.
$quest->error(401); # You can choose the error, too.

# Defining handlers
$quest->error(401, function () {}); # Status-specific errors are possible, too.

Server stuff

Now, Quest can't do much if your server isn't set up properly, so here's two snippets for "proper" URL rewriting with Apache and nginx.


RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule . /index.php [L]


try_files $uri /index.php;


# Constructor
$quest = new Quest($a, $b, $c);     #  Optional parameters; array of routes, and Request
                                    #  and Response objects from Shelf; useful for testing

# Constants and properties
$quest::VERSION;                    #  Current Quest version number
$quest->errors;                     #  Array of error callbacks with status codes as keys
$quest->filters;                    #  Array of filters with at most two children; "after" and "before"
$quest->parameters;                 #  Object of route parameters
$quest->request;                    #  Shelf Request object
  $quest->cookies;                  #    $_COOKIE object belonging to the Request object
  $quest->data;                     #    $_POST object
  $quest->files;                    #    $_FILES object
  $quest->query;                    #    $_GET object
  $quest->server;                   #    $_SERVER object
  $quest->session;                  #    $_SESSION object
$quest->response;                   #  Shelf Response object
$quest->routes;                     #  Array of routes

# Filter methods
$quest->after($path, $callback);    #  Add an after filter with a path to run after routing
$quest->before($path, $callback);   #  Add a before filter with a path to run before routing
                                    #  $path must be a string, and $callback must be a callable

# Route methods
$quest->delete($path, $callback);   #  Add a DELETE route;
$quest->get($path, $callback);      #  Add a GET (and HEAD) route
$quest->post($path, $callback);     #  Add a POST route
$quest->put($path, $callback);      #  Add a PUT route
                                    #  $path must be a string and $callback must be a callable

# Error method
$quest->error($status, $callback);  #  Add or run an error callback; will run an already defined
                                    #  or default callback if no $callback is supplied
                                    #  $status can be a valid status code or null (500 error);
                                    #  $callback must be a callable if supplied

# Helper methods
$quest->contentType($optional);     #  Get or set the content type of the response
$quest->header($name, $optional);   #  Get or set a response header

# Run method
$quest->run();                      #  Let the questing (routing) begin!
                                    #  Will run filters and the first matching route's callback


MIT Licensed; see the LICENSE file for more info.