
3.0.1 • Public • Published

Product Monitor

A HTML/JavaScript template for monitoring a product by encouraging product developers to gather all the information about the status of a product. The idea is to provide components to bring live monitoring, statistics, endpoints, and test results all into one place.

Uses a pattern of HTML/JavaScript components connected to custom JSON /api/ endpoints which can be created and customised in order to use your own declarative HTML templates to create a monitor customised to your project's needs.

NPM Version

How to get started

How to create your own product monitor

1. Run mkdir my-product-monitor && cd my-product-monitor to start in a new folder

2. Run npm init --yes to create new default project

3. Run npm install product-monitor --save

4. Create your own server.js file:

const monitor = require('product-monitor')
const server = monitor({
  "serverPort": 8080,
  "productInformation": {
    "title": "My Product Monitor",
  "userContentPath": "config"

5. Run your server using the command node server.js, you should see the following output:

[My Product Monitor Listening] on http://localhost:8080

6. Visit http://localhost:8080 to see the monitor in action

7. Now that your server is running, read the supplied documentation, and try out the examples!

Product Monitor Example

Key Features

  • Minimal setup

  • Write simple HTML to configure your monitor

  • Navigation generated dynamically by scanning /content folder

  • API endpoints loaded dynamically by scanning /api folder

  • Add a single javascript file to create custom JSON /api/ endpoints

  • Variable in-memory caching on all custom /api/ endpoints

  • Component Showcase and documentation served up through client

  • Extremely simple wiring to load JSON data from custom templates, e.g. adding:

    <template for="custom-web-component"><h2>{{name}}</h2><pre>{{dataSourceData}}</pre></template>

    Will enable data loading on:

    <custom-web-component data-source-url="/api/packageInfo"></custom-web-component>

    (No custom javascript required)

  • Bootstrap look and feel, using all their CSS advice and best practice

  • Handlebar templates for rendering complex JSON data


Product Monitor Example

Defined by:

<status-checker data-url="/">Can monitor its own server</status-checker>
<status-checker data-url="" data-contains="Google">Can monitor google</status-checker>
<status-checker data-url="/api/generateStatusCode?statusCode=404">Can monitor for 404's</status-checker>
<status-checker data-url="http://not-a-real-dns-entry/">Can monitor DNS not found errors</status-checker>

Development Instructions using a checkout from github

  1. Check out (or fork) this project
  2. From the project root, run: npm install
  3. Run npm test to run a smoke test against the server
  4. Run npm start to start the monitor
  5. Visit http://localhost:8080

Warning: you might miss out on the latest updates to the server and its documentation if you check out this project directly from github. The recommended method for setting up a monitor is to use the NPM setup instructions.

Library Credits

Downloaded from CDN:

  • Bootstrap - basic styling and layout for client-side components
  • jQuery - for remote calls to server to drive components
  • Handlebars - for "minimal templating on steroids"
  • Node.js - for package management and running the server instance
  • Strapdown.js - for markdown rendering via <markdown></markdown> tags
  • Web Component JS - for enriching the client DOM with web component templates, providing the client-side data-loading and rendering logic for the product monitor.

Node packages:

  • Express - for defining the server, the api endpoints, and serving up the client
  • md5-node - for hashing keys in an in-memory cache
  • request - for making server side requests to remote domains
  • utils-merge - for merging configuration together with the default config
  • ncp - for copying files used during setup of a new server instance
  • And more... thanks to the community for such a diverse and useful set of libraries



NodeJS on Support
Windows 8 Excellent
Mac OSX Excellent
Raspian Seems good


Browser Support
Chrome Excellent
Chromium Seems good
Opera Works a treat
IE11 Seems alright
Firefox Plays nice

Support and Feedback

Please get in touch for support and feedback by raising an issue here on this github project.




Package Sidebar


npm i product-monitor

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Unpacked Size

1.39 MB

Total Files


Last publish


  • johnbeech
  • markavian