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Nephos Ruby Server

Gem Version

This is a minimal web server, based on rack and puma. It is written in ruby. It also gives you a minimal architecture to speed up your application bootstrap.

Features provided:

  • Controllers: gives you a resource logic.
  • Render: easier render content to the client.
  • Router: create a robust and simple routing system, with url variables.

Features which will not be provided by nserver:

  • Templating (HTML with variables, loops, ...): It already exists and it is easy to implement.
  • Database orm and connector: It already exists and simple to implement too.


gem install nephos # download the server and executables
ngenerator application MyApp # generate the application
cd MyApp # go in
nserver -p 8080 -h # start the server. port is not required, neither host

nserver is an executable designed to start the server easly. It can take few arguments, all optionnal:

  • -p: port to listen
  • -h: host to listen (network address)
  • -e: environment (default is development, can be set to production)
  • -d: daemonize the process
  • -k: kill daemonized process



Theses guides will provide you knowlegde about everything you can use in the application.


Production and environment

To avoid information leaks from your application, set the environment variable export ENVIRONMENT=production, or run the server with -e production parameter. When an error occurs, the backtrace will be print to the client in the rendered page, unless the server runs in production environment.


Every routes will call a method from a controller. To create a controller, add a ruby file to app/, with a class inherited by Nephos::Controller You should user ngenerator --controller NAME to generate a new controller.

class Example < Nephos::Controller
  def root
    cookies["last_visit"] =
    if params["index"] == "true"
      return {plain: "index"}
      return :empty


To render a content to the client, you can return informations from a Controller method:

return 404
return {status: code}
return {status: code, content: "Not today"}
return {json: {status: "resource created"}, status: 201}
return {plain: "text"}
return {html: "<html><body><h1>:D</h1></body></html>"}
return {type: "image/jpeg", content:"images/photo.jpg")}
return :empty


The routing (rules to execute the action the user wants), you have to write the /routes.rb file. If the user try to access an url not described in the file, it will automaticaly render a 404 not found.

get url: "/", controller: "MainController", method: "root"       # /
post url: "/add", controller: "MainController", method: "add_url" # /add
post url: "/add/:url", controller: "MainController", method: "add_url" # /add with parameter :url
put url: "/rm", controller: "MainController", method: "rm_url"   # /rm
put url: "/rm/:url", controller: "MainController", method: "rm_url"   # /rm with parameter :url
resource "infos" do
  get url: "/", controller: "MainController", method: "root" # generate /infos
  get url: "/about", controller: "MainController", method: "root" # generate /infos/about
  get url: "/notice", to: "MainController#notice" # generate /infos/notice

Developers: Roadmap

TODO v0.7

  • feature to change HTTP header from controller
  • Documentation on architecture (UML)
  • Improved documentation (Tutorial, Improved guides)
  • Improved daemon (/tmp/.../.pid) + multi port

v1 requierements

  • Environement, Daemons, Port, Listen Host, Routables, Arguments
  • Clear architecture
  • Generator readables and powerfull
  • At least 80% tests coverage
  • Performances benchmark
  • Guide about
    • Controllers
    • Routing
    • Api Creation
    • Database creation
    • Web HTML with templating
  • Clear documentation on the features using regexp, options, ...

Gitlab Continuous Integration: Gitlab Tests

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a minimalist web framework, based on rack/puma, with routing, rendering, and controllers. Designed for quick api






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