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Angular Social Sharing

This is a small library that lets you share info and links on social networks. Currently Facebook feed and Twitter intents are supported.


  • Sharing URLs with (#)fragment identifier
  • Ease things if u are using Facebook Feed Dialog
    • Facebook Feed Dialog vs. Share Link Dialog is explained here


Check it out

Getting Started

Install the library through bower or npm.

bower install angular-socialsharing

Add it to your app dependency



    function($fbProvider, $twtProvider) {
    function($fb, $twt) {
        name: "Link name",
        description: "Awesome desc",
        caption: "mylink",
        link: "",
        picture: ""
      $twt.intent('tweet', {
        text : 'Adventures at NodeCoptor',
        url  : '',
        hashtags : ''

Share on Facebook

This uses Facebook Feed Dialog to share/post. Feed Dialog lets you get very specific about how you want your share to appear.

Set up : Initialization required (if not already initialized)

Initializing will automatically loads Facebook SDK for JavaScript asynchronously if it hasn't been loaded.

Facebook Feed uses facebook API which requires us to provide a APPID. Register a facebook app and Configure the APPID in your application.

Provider: $fbProvider

Method: init

   function($fbProvider) {
       $fbProvider.init(APPID, {
           locale : myLocale,
           channel: myChannel
Params Value Description Mandatory
APPID Number Facebook app ID Yes
locale String Defaults to en_US if unspecified No
channel String Defaults to app/channel.html if unspecified No


This is a provider, it can be dependency injected to any angular service, factory, controller, provider ...

$fb API :

Methods: feed, parse


Method : feed

Parameters :

    function($fb) {
            name: "Scientists Teach Chimpanzee To Conduct 3-Year Study On Primates",
            description: "Scientific community has hailed as a breakthrough achievement, zoologists have succeeded for the first time ever in training a chimpanzee to carry out a rigorous three-year study of primate behavior.",
            caption: "analyze in-depth data charts on chimpanzee behavior.",
            link: ",29195/",
            picture: ""

alt tag


Method : parse This utility renders XFBML markup in a document. Useful when FB sdk fails to render share, like buttons on angular templates.

    function($fb) {
  • It is good to ensure FB.init hasn't been already called before you initialize this.
  • Using this doesn't disturb window variable FB created by the API. It will be accessible with window.FB and $window.FB (in angular)

Share on Twitter

This uses Twitter web Intent to tweet, retweet, ... This lets you get very specific about how you want your share to appear.

Initialization required

Initializing will automatically loads Twitter sdk for JavaScript asynchronously if it hasn't been loaded.

Enable utilities (optional)

This library provides an optional functionality(utility) to trim text (if exceeds the tweet char limit 140).

These functionalities can be configured.

Provider: $twtProvider

Method: trimText

   function($twtProvider) {


  • Disabled by default.
  • Trims text if the share content exceeds 140 charecters.
  • This appends the '...' to show that text has been trimmed.

Shortening url :, a twitter service automatically shortens url for you.


This is a provider, it can be dependency injected to any angular service, factory, controller, provider ...

$twt API :

Methods : intent

Parameters :

Params Value Description Mandatory Default
type String [tweet|retweet|favourite|user|follow] No tweet
Params JSON Depends on the type. Refer: Web Intents, Tweet Parameters Yes
    function($twt) {
        $twt.intent('tweet', {
            text : 'Adventures at NodeCoptor',
            url  : '',
            hashtags : ''

alt tag

  • Using this doesn't disturb window variable twttr created by the API. It will be accessible with window.twttr and $window.twttr (in angular)


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


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